(nextflipdebug2) #1

15.1 Direct speech

Write: Add single quotation marks and other punctuation marks to these examples.

(^1) Where do you come from John asked 9 What's the time Andrew asked
2 It's here Bill said 10 Bill said I'm hungry
3 I've got a good idea Mark said 11 What is it Jill asked
4 Is it something she asked that 12 You are stupid sometimes she said
we all ought to know 13 Where is he Tom asked
5 As I was leaving he explained I heard 14 What a surprise she exclaimed
someone shout 15 Is there anyone in she inquired
6 Don't shout at me he cried 16 Which way did they go he asked
7 John said We're late 17 Tom said She's ill
8 We're late John said 18 She's ill Tom said
15.1 С
'Quote within a quote' [> LEG I5.3ns.3,5]
1 If we are quoting someone else's words inside a quotation, we use a second set of quotation
marks. If we have used single quotation marks on the 'outside', we use double ones on the
'inside' and vice-versa. The inside quotation has its own punctuation, distinct from the rest of
the sentence:
Ann said, 'Justas I was leaving, a voice shouted, "Stop!".'
'What do you mean, "Are you all right?"?' Ann asked.
2 We can also use a second set of quotation marks when we mention the title of e.g. a book
or a film: 'How long did it take you to read "War and Peace"?' I asked.
3 We don't normally use quotation marks with verbs like think and wonder.
So that was their little game, he thought. Why hasn't she written, he wondered.
Write: Add correct punctuation marks to these examples of direct speech.
1 As I was leaving, he explained someone shouted Fire
2 Please don't keep asking me What's the time Jim said crossly
3 Have you read Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf my teacher asked
4 What do you mean Have you lost your way the stranger asked me
5 Where are they now he wondered
15.1D Context
Write: In printed dialogue, each new speech begins on a new line in a new paragraph.
Punctuate the following.
(^1) It's all lies Boyle cried
(^2) You think so Inspector Wiley asked mildly
(^3) Think so? I know it Boyle answered sharply
(^4) And no doubt the inspector continued you can prove it.
Where were you on Saturday night, the night of the robbery
(^5) I was at the Roxy with my girlfriend Boyle replied. We
saw Gone with the Wind. The film lasted four hours
(^6) But, cried the inspector the Roxy was closed all last
The Roxy was closed ...

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