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16.8 The to-infinitive or the '-ing' form?

16.5 The'-ing'form

16.5A Basic information about the '-ing' form [> LEG 16 .З8-40,2.16.5]


We use the -ing form in three ways:
1 We use it as a verb (called a participle): He is playing. She is writing, etc. [> 9.2B, 9.4B]
Walking in the park yesterday, I saw a bird building a nest. [> 1.11 -12]
(= I was walking. + The bird was building a nest.)

2 We use the -ing form as an adjective:
I need some ihot X water. (= water which is hot)
( boiling ) (= water which is boiling) [> 2.2A]

We use the -ing form as a noun (called a gerund):
( swimming. (i.e. 'the act of swimming')
With a few exceptions, we use the -ing form (gerund) like any other noun.


Write: Supply gerund forms for the words in brackets. (For spelling, [> 9.2A])

A1 The gerund as an uncountable noun in general statements [> 3.5A]
1 йШШЩ. is fun. (dance) 6 makes me tired, (drive)
2 tall is an advantage, (be)
3 tall is an advantage, (not be)
4 What I like is (ride)
5 I enjoy (read)

7 able to drive is a disadvantage, (not be)
8 keeps you fit. (run)
9 I like (cycle)
10 is a difficult profession, (act)

A2 The gerund as an uncountable noun with 'some', 'a lot of 'a little', etc. [e.g. > Ю.7А]
1 He does a lot of (read)
2 Did you do any? (iron)
3 I did some this morning, (shop)
4 I do very little these days, (swim)
5 There's no my decision (regret)

6 I heard a lot of last night, (shout)
7 There's more in the streets, (fight)
8 We all enjoy a bit of (sing)
9 We all need a little (encourage)
10 I've done enough for today, (garden)

A3 The gerund as an uncountable noun after prepositions [> 16.7D]
1 This is used for cuMúrug, metal, (cut)
2 What can you do besides? (dig)
3 I'm against (box)
4 I'm always hungry after (sleep)
5 Try to work without a noise, (make)

6 What do you know about? (compute)
7 I'm not interested in (garden)
8 She's above (argue)
9 Since I've done nothing, (retire)
10 Taste it before (complain)

A4 The gerund as an uncountable noun after adjectives and possessives [compare >16.6C-D]
1 Quick saved us. (think)
2 Her quick saved us. (think)
3 Your to help hurt him. (refuse)
4 His doesn't matter, (not know)
5 I like your (violin play)

6 The meat will be fine with slow (cook)
7 We had some tough (train)
8 His woke us up. (shout)
9 Their delighted everyone, (sing)
10 Try deep (breathe)

A5 The gerund as an uncountable noun after 'no' in prohibitions [compare > 11.3B]
1 No ..pMriwnß,.. (park) 4 No (smoke)
2 No (camp) 5 No (trespass)
3 No (wait) 6 No (fish)
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