(nextflipdebug2) #1

Key to exercises

I The sentence

1.1 Sentence word order

1.1 A The basic word order of an English sentence

Write 1 :
1 S John Bailey V has set О a new high-jump
2 S The passport officer V examined О the
3 S The dogs V don't like О these biscuits.
4 S The shop assistant V is wrapping О the
5 S The visitors V have seen О the new
6 S My father V didn't wash О the dishes.
7 S The plumber V is going to fix О the pipe.
8 V Will S the goalkeeper V catch О the ball?
9 V Has S the guest V enjoyed О the meal?
10 S John V can't play О the game.

Write 2:
1 S The children V slept T till 11 o'clock this
2 S He V threw О the papers P into the bin.
3 S I V don't speak О English M well.
4 S Mrs Jones V hides О her money P under
the bed.
5 S You V didn't pack О this suitcase
M carefully.
6 S I V left О some money P on this shelf
T this morning.
(or: T This morning SI V left О some
money P on this shelf.)
7 S You V 'II have to get О a loan P from the
8 S The phone V/O woke me up T in the middle
of the night.
{or: T In the middle of the night S the phone
V/O woke me up.)
9 S You V shouldn't walk P in the park T at
10 S You V should eat О your food M slowly.
II S My term V begins T in October
12 S I V read О your article M quickly Pin
bed T last night
(or: T Last night SI V read О your article
M quickly P in bed.)

1.1В The forms of a sentence

(^1) Don't spill the coffee. (C)
2 Have you seen today's papers? (Q)
3 How nice to meet you! (E)
4 Where did you put my umbrella? (Q)
5 The train arrived fifteen minutes
late. (S)
6 The plane won't arrive on time. (S)
7 I can't pay this electricity bill. (S)
8 Please open the door for me. (C)
9 'Where's the nearest hotel?' he
asked. (Q)
10 'I can't pay the bill!' he cried. (E)
1.1 С Context
1 I parked my car in the centre of the village.
2 I saw an old man near a bus stop.
3 'What a beautiful village!' I exclaimed.
4 'How many people live here?'
5 'There are seventeen people,' the old man said.
6 'How long have you lived here?'
7 'I have lived here all my life.'
8 'It's a quiet sort of place, isn't it?'
9 'We live a quiet life here.
10 We don't have a cinema or a theatre.
11 Our school was closed five years ago.
12 We have only one shop.
13 A bus calls once a day.
14 The Romans came here in 55 B.C.
15 Since then nothing has happened.'
1.2 The simple sentence: verbs with and
without objects
1.2A What is a complete sentence?
The following need ticks:
2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20.
1,2B Verbs with and without objects
Possible answers for those verbs that need an object
1 contains pencils 4 ringing the doorbell
5 need a rest 7 hit him 8 beat the other team
9 opened the fridge
13 This sentence could be complete, or we could say
e.g. I began my work.
16 enjoy the film?

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