(nextflipdebug2) #1


1.2C Sentences with linking verbs like 'be' afnd
Possible answers
I tall (adjective) 2 a teacher (noun) 3 sour
(adjective) 4 in the garden (phrase of place)
5 at 6.30 (phrase of time) 6 mine (possessive
pronoun) 7 like his grandfather (prepositional
phrase) 8 (too) loud (adjective) 9 a nice person
(adjective + noun) 10 a lawyer (noun)

1.2D Context
1 My son Tim attends the local school.
2 My wife and I went to his school yesterday.
(or: Yesterday, ...)
3 We spoke to his teachers.
4 We collected Tim's school report.
5 Tim's report wasn't very good.
6 His marks were low in every subject.
7 Tim was waiting anxiously for us outside.
8 'How was my report?' he asked eagerly.
9 'It wasn't very good,' I said.
10 'You must try harder.
II That boy Ogilvy seems very clever.
12 He got good marks in all subjects.'
13 'Ogilvy has clever parents,' Tim said.

1.3 The simple sentence: direct and indirect

1.3A Subject + verb + indirect object + direct
object: 'Show me that photo'
1 Please find them for me./Please find me them.
2 Please buy one for him./Please buy him one.
3 Please pass it to me./Please pass me it.
4 Please show it to her./Please show her it.
5 Please do it for me. (Not Do me it)
6 Please order one for me./Please order me one.

1.3B Verb -i- object + 'to' + noun or pronoun:
'Explain it to me'
1 this camera to the Customs 2 me to your friend/
your friend to me 3 what you like to me 4 this idea
to you 5 his crime to the police 6 this to anyone
7 this man to me 8 this to anyone 9 this to the
headmaster 10 what I told you to anyone

1.3С The two meanings of 'for'
instead of: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9
for your/my benefit: 1, 3, 5, 8, 10

1.3D Context
The following need ticks: 1 buy me an expensive
uniform 5 write our parents a letter 7 lend anyone
anything 8 give help to each other

1.4 The compound sentence

1.4A The form of a compound sentence
Write 1 :
1 ... and complained about them.
2 ... but (she) didn't leave a message.
3 I can either leave now, ол(1 can) stay for another
4 Jim not only built his own house, but (he) designed
it himself as well.
5 I neither know пол care what happened to him.
6 ... very well, but (he) hasn't much experience ...
Write 2:
1 ... at the station and two men ...
2 Either you can give me some advice, or your
colleague can.(Eitheryou or your colleague
can ...)
3 ... but it didn't stop.
4 ... when we called, so we left a message.
5 ... after the film, so we went straight back.
6 ... was nervous, for she wasn't used to strangers
calling late at night.
7 ... in the country, but my parents ...
8 ... has been lost, orthe postman has ...
9 ... was visible, and then a cloud covered it.
10 ... career woman, yet her mother...

1.4B Context
1 and 2 and 3 and 4 as well 5 and 6 but
7 yet 8 either 9 or 10 for 11 and 12 and
13 but 14 and

1.5 The complex sentence: noun clauses

1.5A Introduction to complex sentences
1 You can tell me all about the film ...
2 ... you can help me with the dishes.
3 You didn't tell me ...
4 I walk to work every morning ...
5 ... I left a message on the answer-phone.

1.5B Noun clauses derived from statements
1 (that) he feels angry.
2 (that) she has resigned from her job.
3 (that) you don't trust me.
4 (that) you are feeling better.
5 (that) she's upset.
6 (that) he didn't get the contract.
7 (that) it's a fair price.
8 (that) you're leaving.
9 (that) she's been a fool.
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