(nextflipdebug2) #1
Key 11.11A-11.13E

1.12B 'It being' and 'there being'
1 There being no questions, the meeting ended
2 He kept helping himself to money without it being
3 He kept asking awkward questions without there
being a(ny) reason for it.
4 It being a holiday, there were thousands of cars on
the roads.
5 There being no one in, I left a message.

1.12C Agreement between present participle and
1 It wasn't the smell that was opening the door.
2 It wasn't the bus that was changing gear.
3 It wasn't the important papers that were burning
the rubbish.

1.12D Past participle constructions
1 Lost for many years, the painting turned up at an
2 Although cooked for several hours, the meat was
still tough.
3 If seen from this angle, the picture looks rather
4 The vegetables sold in this shop are grown without
5 When read aloud, the poerrvis very effective.

1.12E Context
1 When/Whenever/If 2 Looking 3 being
4 Opening 5 Although

2 Nouns

2.1 One-word nouns

2.1 A Noun endings: people who do things/people
who come from places
1 actor 2 beggar 3 pian/sí 4 driver 5 Berliner
6 Athen/an 7 assist ant 8 liar 9 Texan
10 histor/an

2.1 В Nouns formed from verbs, adjectives, other
1 decision 2 anxiety 3 social ism 4 happ/'ness
5 agreement 6 discovery 7 arriva/
8 childhood 9 absence 10 postage 11 try (no
change) 12 efficiency 13curios//y 14 address
(no change) 15 refusa/ 16 warn ing
17mouth/u/ 18 explanation 19 tria/ 20 argument

2.1 С Nouns and verbs with the same spelling but
different stress
1 permit 2 permit 3 increase 4 increase
5 objects 6 object 7 conduct 8 conduct
9 entrance 10 entrance 11 record 12 record
13 present 14 present 15 proles! 16 protest
17 accent 18 accent 19 exports 20 export
21 escort 22 escort 23 imports 24 import

2.1D Context
I boredom 2 communication 3 babble/babbling
4 knowledge 5 preparation 6 encouragement
7 recognition 8 solution 9 refusal 10 scientist
II behaviour

2.2 Compound nouns

2.2A Nouns formed with gerund ('-ing') + noun:
The following need ticks: 1, 3, 5, 7

2.2B Apostrophe s ('s) or compound noun?
1 the car key 2 the doctor's surgery
3 the committee's idea 4 the pen nib
5 the computer keyboard 6 the desk top
7 King John's reign 8 Eliot's poetry 9 no one's
responsibility 10 the suitcase handle 11 the front
doorknob 12 Scott's journey 13 the postman's
bicycle 14 that cigarette stub 15 a new kitchen
table 16 the horse's tail 17 the light switches
18 the boss's secretary 19 the new party policy
20 the book cover 21 Mr Jones's son
22 the factory gate 23 the garage door
24 the children's photos 25 the office phone
26 the film critic 27 a dancing teacher 28 the twins'
mother 29 my brother's wife 30 a new reading
lamp 31 the road surface 32 the President's

2.2С Compound nouns which tell us about
materials and substances
1 a plastic raincoat 2 a silk shirt 3 silky/silken hair
4 a glass table-top 5 glassy eyes 6 a leather wallet
7 a stainless steel spoon 8 steely/steel nerves
9 a woollen pullover 10 a cotton blouse 11a silver
teapot 12 a silvery voice 13 a stone wall
14 stony silence 15 a ceramic tile 16 a nylon
nailbrush 17 a leathery tongue 18 a wooden spoon

2.2D Context
1 feather wings 2 a flying machine 3 flight path
4 a champion cyclist 5 pedal power 6 pilot's seat/
pilot-seat 7 carbon fibre machine 8 south wind
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