(nextflipdebug2) #1
Key 11.11A-11.13E

3.1 С Describing people and things with 'a/an' +
noun: 'He's a doctor'
1 He's a taxi-driver.
2 She's a Catholic.
3 He's an Englishman.
4 It's an ant.
5 It's a kind of insect.
6 She's a socialist.
7 She's a teacher.
8 She's an architect.
9 It's a Shakespeare sonnet.
10 It's a Picasso/a Picasso painting.

3.1 D Context
1(-) 2 A 3a 4a 5 some 6 some 7 a 8 a/(-)
9a/(-) 10a/(-) 11 any 12 a 13(-)

3.2 The indefinite article: 'a/an' (2)

3.2A the use of 'a/an' when something is
mentioned for the first time
1a 2 the 3 an 4 The 5 a/the [> LEG 3.20.4]
6 the 7 the 8 a 9 the 10 a

3.2B The difference between 'a/an' and 'one'
1 a 2 one 3 One 4 a 5 one 6 a 7 One
8 one ...a 9 a ... one 10 a/one 11a 12 one

3.2С 'A/an' for price, distance and frequency:
'80p a kilo'
1 They're 90p a kilo.
2 I take them once a day.
3 We're doing 100 km an hour.
4 I/We do 45 miles a (or to the) gallon.
5 It's collected twice a week.
6 It costs £3 a litre.

3.2D 'A/an' or zero with reference to illnesses:
'a cold'
1 a 2 a/(-) 3 (-) 4 (-) 5 a/(-) 6 (-) 7 a 8 a
9 a/(-) 10(-)/a

3.2E Context
1a 2 The 3 a 4 a 5 (-) 6 (-) 7 (-) 8 one
9 a 10 a 11 the 12 the 13 the 14 the

3.3 The definite article: 'the' (1)

3.3A Form and basic uses of 'the'
1a 2 a 3 the 4 a 5 the 6 The 7 a 8 the

3.3B 'A/an', 'the' and zero in front of
abbreviations: 'the BBC'
1a 2 a 3 The 4 an 5 (-) 6 (-) 7 (-) 8 (-)

З.ЗС 'The' + nationality noun: 'the Chinese'
1 The Portuguese ... the Spanish/the Spaniards
2 The Americans ... the Russians 3 The Brazilians ...
the Mexicans 4 The Germans ... the Japanese
5 The Greeks ... the Koreans 6 The British ... the

3.3D Context
1a 2 a 3 the 4 the 5 The 6 the 7 a/the
8 a 9 a/the 10 a 11 the 12 the 13 The 14 the
15 the 16 the 17 a/the 18 The 19 a 20 The

3.4 The definite article: 'the' (2)

3.4A 'The' for specifying
1 We were looking for a place to spend the/a night.
The place we found turned out to be in
a charming village. The village was called (-)
2 An (or The) individual has every right to expect
personal freedom. The freedom of the
individual is something worth fighting for.
3 Yes, my name is (-) Simpson, but I'm not the
Simpson you're looking for.
4 Who's at the door? - It's the postman.
5 When you go out, would you please go to the
supermarket and get some butter.
6 I've got an appointment this afternoon. I've got to
go to the doctor's.
7 We went to the theatre last night and saw Flames.
It's a wonderful play.
8 We prefer to spend our holidays in the country, the
mountains or by the sea.
9 We have seen what the earth looks like from the
10 This is the front room. The ceiling and the/{-) walls
need decorating, but the floor is in good order.
We'll probably cover it with a/[-) carpet.
11 You're imagining (-) things. All your fears are in the
12 Look at this wonderful small computer. The top
lifts up to form the/a screen; the front lifts off to
form the/a keyboard, and the whole thing only
weighs 5 kilos.
13 The history of the world is the history of (-) war.
14 Is there a moon round the planet Venus?
15 What's (-) John doing these days? - He's working
as a postman.
16 (-) Exercise is good for the body.
17 Could you pass me the salt, please?
18 They're building a new supermarket in the centre
of our town.
19 Where's your mother at the moment? - I think
she's in the kitchen.
20 If you were a cook, you'd have to work in a kitchen
all day long.
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