(nextflipdebug2) #1
Key 11.11A-11.13E

5.6D Context
1 whole 2 Everyone 3 each 4 Each 5 each
6 all 7 whole 8 every 9 everything

5.7 'Another', '(the) other(s)', 'either',
'neither', 'each (one of)'

5.7A 'Another', 'other', 'others', 'the other', 'the
1 the other 2 the other 3 others 4 another
5 the next 6 another/the other... the other
7 another 8 other 9 the others

5.7B 'Either' and 'neither' + singular nouns
1 Either 2 Neither 3 either 4 neither 5 either
6 neither

5.7С 'Each of, etc.
1 Another of the teaspoons 2 Neither of the
roadmaps is/are 3 Any of the roadmaps 4 Either of
the roads leads/lead 5 Each of the paintings
6 Neither of the boys is/are 7 either of the
secretaries 8 each of the porters.

5.7D One of

Оле can be deleted in numbers: 2, 4, 5

5.7E1 other Context 2 Some 3 others 4 Either 5 one 6 One

7 one 8 one 9 one 10 the other

6 Adjectives

6.1 Formation of adjectives

6.1 A Adjectives formed with suffixes:
1 attractive 2 manageable 3 hesitant 4 energetic
5 Victorian 6 reddish 7 boastful 8 permissible
9 humorous

6.1 В Adjectives formed with prefixes: 'possible/
1 dishonest 2 illegal 3 irresponsible
4 unimaginable 5 incapable 6 uncooked
7 impractical 8 pre-war

6.1 С Compound adjectives of measurement, etc.:
'a twenty-year-old man'
1 a two-million-pound office-block 2 a seventy-year-
old woman 3 a two-day conference 4 an eighty-
hectare farm 5 a three-day journey 6 a five-kilo
bag 7 a three-litre engine 8 a fifty-pound note
9 a twenty-mile fence 10a fifty-kilometre tunnel

6.1 D Context
1 illegal 2 17-year-old boy 3 impossible
4 an eight-hour lesson 5 careful 6 hesitant
7 wonderful 8 energetic 9 reddish 10 setting

6.2 Position of adjectives

6.2A Form and position of most adjectives
1 is big 2 are clever 3 is hardworking 4 are busy
5 are well-behaved

6.2B Adjectives that can change in meaning
before a noun or after 'be'

Write 1:1 an old friend 2 to me by my late uncle
3 a faint line 4 heavy 5 a heavy smoker
Write 2:1b (fine silk), 2 b (is fine), 3 e (I'm going
to be sick), 4 с (very ill) 5 d (in the early 1960s)
6 a (a sick woman)

6.2С Adjectives before and after nouns with a
change of meaning

1b 2 h 3d 4 h 5 f 6g 7a 8i 9e 10c

6.2D Context
I beautiful/lovely 2 young 3 lovely
4 polished/shiny 5 pleased 6 shiny/polished
7 quick-drying 8 alive 9 asleep 10 complete
II poor 12 big 13 fresh 14 tall 15 fast
6.3 Adjectives that behave like nouns;
-ed/ing' endings

6.3A 'The' (etc.) + adjective + noun: 'the blind'
Write 1:1a poor man 2 unemployed people
3 a young woman 4 an elderly man
5 a sick woman 6 healthy people
Write 2:1 The rich ... the poor 2 the unemployed
3 the deaf 4 The old 5 the injured 6 the dead
7 the elderly 8 The healthy 9 the sick
10 The blind ... the sighted

6.3B Adjectives ending in '-ed' and '-ing':
1 We were amazed by the coincidence.
2 The journey was tiring.
3 Sylvia was upset by the experience.
4 The experience was upsetting (for us).
5 Gloria was enchanting.
6 Gloria was enchanted (by me).
7 The children were delightful.
8 We were delighted by the children.
9 The new building is impressive.
10 Everybody is impressed by the new building.
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