(nextflipdebug2) #1
Key 11.11A-11.13E

8.3 Particular prepositions, particles:
contrasts (1)

8.3A Prepositions, particles etc. often confused
and misused
1 on/about 2 about 3 According to 4 According to
5 by/according to 6 across/over 7 across 8 over/
across 9 across 10 through 11 through/across
12 across/through 13 (far) away 14 away
15 because 16 because of 17 before 18 in front
of 19 before/in front of 20 after 21 afterwards
22 afterwards 23 (a)round/about 24 around/about
25 (a)round 26 (a)round 27 at 28 to 29 at
30 against 31 at 32 at 33 behind/at the back
34 back 35 at the back of/behind 36 back
37 back 38 back 39 back 40 behind 41 back

8.3B Context
I across 2 According to 3 at 4 away 5 in front of
6 behind 7 because 8 after 9 about 10 before
II on (or about) 12 at 13 about

8.4 Particular prepositions, particles:
contrasts (2)

8.4A Prepositions, particles, etc. often confused
and misused
1 beside 2 besides 3 Besides 4 between
5 between 6 among 7 but for/except for
8 except (for)/but (for) 9 Except for/But for
10 except (for)/but (for) 11 but 12 by/near
13 near/not far from 14 on/by 15 On 16 past/by
17 past/by 18 by 19 past/by 20 past 21 by
22 by 23 by 24 with/without 25 down/up
26 under 27 over/under 28 due to 29 owing to
30 owing to 31 like 32 As 33 as 34 like 35 like
36 As 37 As 38 like 39 as 40 like 41 like

8.4B Context
1 As 2 without 3 due 4 past/by 5 down/up
6 beside/by 7 among 8 between 9 by 10 like
11 except 12 without 13 by

8.5 Particular prepositions, particles:
contrasts (3)

8.5A Prepositions, particles, etc. often confused
and misused
1 of/out of 2 from 3 from 4 with 5 of 6 off
7 on 8 in 9 in 10 on 11 out of 12 out of
13 outside 14 outside 15 without 16 with
17 with 18 with 19 with/without 20 without
21 with 22 with 23 above/over 24 on top of
25 over/above 26 over/above 27 above 28 over
29 above 30 above 31 over 32 under 33 under

34 underneath/under/below 35 below 36 below/
under 37 below/under/underneath 38 under
39 with 40 without 41 with 42 in 43 in 44 with
45 of 46 of

8.5B Context
1 of 2 In 3 of/out of 4 of 5 off 6 over/above
7 out of 8 in 9 of 10 on top of 11 with
12 above 13 in 14 on top of 15 below 16 in/with

8.6 Phrasal verbs: Type 1, verb + preposition

8.6B Type 1 : Verb + preposition + object, non-
idiomatic: 'look at the camera'
1 with/to 2 from 3 on 4 of 5 from 6 between
7 about 8 on 9 at 10 for 11 at 12 for 13 with
14 about 15 to 16 with 17 after 18 for 19 in
20 with 21 of 22 in 23 in 24 for

8.6C Type 1 : Verb + object + preposition + object,
non-idiomatic: 'tell me about it'
1 for 2 of 3 from 4 to 5 in 6 about 7 against
8 from/into 9 for 10 of 11 with 12 for 13 of
14 to 15 for 16 from

8.6D Type 1 : Verb + preposition + object,
idiomatic: 'get over an illness'
1 f 2 i 3c 41 5 n 6p 71 8s 9h 10 m
11a 12 q 13 r 14k 15d 16 b 17g 18 j
19 о 20e

8.6E Context
1 at 2 out of/from 3 at 4 from 5 for 6 in 7 in
8 at 9 to 10 for 11 of 12 on 13 of 14 to
15 of

8.7 Phrasal verbs: Type 2, verb + particle

8.7A Type 1 and Type 2 phrasal verbs compared
I (-) 2 (-) 3 turn offthe gas 4 (-) 5givenouithe
papers 6 (-) 7 Write down the information 8 (-)
9(-) Ю(-)

8.7B Type 2: Particles that extend the verb:
'write down'
1f 2b 3k 4 n 5 j 6p 7 h 8s 9c 10q
II t 12 r 13 e 14 о 15 d 16 i 17m 181
19 g 20 a

8.7C Type 2: Verb + particle + object, idiomatic:
'bring about a change'
1 e 2 i 3I 4 n 5 j 6f 7k 8m 9o 10 b
11a 12 d 13 h 14g 15c
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