(nextflipdebug2) #1
1.10 The complex sentence: purpose, result and comparison

Write: Join these sentences with so ... (thai) and such ... (that).

1 We were late. We missed the first act of the play.

. Wp.. (ШоРХ Viъ.уимяЖ. Zht.
2 I was working hard. I forgot what the time was.

3 There was a delay. We missed our connecting flight.

4 We've had difficulties. We don't think we can stay in business.



Write: Join or rewrite these sentences using the conjunctions in brackets.

1 John works hard. Susan works hard, (as ... as)

2 John is less intelligent than Susan, (not so ... as)

3 This computer holds less information than that one. (not... as much ... as)

4 The film 'Superman 1' is enjoyable. 'Superman 2' is enjoyable, too. (as ... as)

1.1 OE Context

7 order that, so ... that, such ... that, when, which.

WYSIWYG /wiziwig/
We create new words all the time. We have to do this
may express new ideas. Perhaps the strangest word^2 has
come into the English language recently is 'wysiwyg'. I was^3
puzzled by this word I kept asking people what it meant,
* no one knew. Last week I found it in a dictionary. It is not

(^5) peculiar I had thought. It comes from
computers. This is what it means,^6 you want to know: 'What
You See Is What You Get'. This means that what you see on your
screen is what you get^7 you print. Now I discover that
everyone knows this word. The other day I was in my favourite
restaurant and ordered sausages. They were^8 small
sausages I complained to the waitress. She just smiled at
me and whispered, 'Wysiwyg!'
Adverbial clauses of comparison with 'as ... as' [> LEG 1.53]
We can make comparisons with as ... as, not so (or as)... as and than:
We use object pronouns after as and than [> 4.1 B]: He's as tall as me. He's taller than me.
Or we use subject + verb: He is as tall as I (am). He's taller than I (am).
We may use do, does or did to replace a verb in the simple present or simple past:
He plays the piano as well as I (do). He plays the piano as well as his sister (does).
You didn't finish the crossword puzzle as quickly as I (did).
Write: Put in as... as, but, in case, in

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