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Key 11.11A-11.13E

11.5 Uses of modals to express deduction

11.5A Certainty or deduction?
1С 2C 3C 4C 5C 6D 7D 8D 9D 10D
11D 12D

11.5B Two kinds of 'must be'
1 mustn't be (O) 2 must be (O) 3 can't be (D)
4 must be (D) 5 must be (D) 6 can't be (D)
7 must be (O) 8 mustn't be (O) 9 can't be (D)
10 mustn't be (O)

11.5C 'Must have been', 'can't/couldn't have
been'; 'had to be/didn't have to be'
1 must have been 2 can't/couldn't have been
3 had to be 4 did she have to be 5 didn't have to
6 didn't have to 7 must have been 8 must have
been 9 can't have been 10 had to be
11 must have been 12 had to be

11.5D Context
1 didn't have to be 2 must be/must have been
3 can't be/can't have been 4 must be 5 must be
6 had to be 7 must have been imported
8 must have laid

11.6 Uses of modals for offers, requests and

11.6A Offering things and substances
Possible answers
1 Would you like a sandwich?
2 Wouldn't you like some coffee?
3 Would you like a slice of toast?
4 Would you like some potatoes?
5 Wouldn't you like an orange?
6 Would you like some fruit?

11.6B Requests for things and substances
Possible answers
1 Can I have a sandwich, please?
2 May I have some coffee, please?
3 Could I have a slice of toast, please?
4 May I have some potatoes, please?
5 Might I have an orange, please?
6 Could I have some fruit, please?

11.6C Making suggestions, inviting actions
Possible answers
1 Would you like to stay with me?
2 Would you like to join us for a meal?
3 Wouldn't you like to come on an excursion?
4 Would you like to have a holiday with us?

11.6D Requesting others to do things for you
Possible answers
1 Will/Would you hold the door open for me, please?
2 Please will/would you dial a/this number for me?
3 WillA/Vould you please translate a/this letter for
4 WillA/Vould you deliver some/these flowers for me,

11,6E Offering to do things for others
Possible answers
1 Shall I put your suitcase on the rack (for you)?
2 Shall I close the window (for you)?
3 Shall I pick those up (for you)?

11.6F Making suggestions that include the
1 Shall we drive to the coast?
2 Shall we have a meal out this evening?
3 Shall we travel first class?
4 Shall we have a holiday in Bahia?

11.6G Context
1 Would you 2 Shall I 3 Will/Would you
4 Would you 5 Can I/Could I (etc.) 6 Shall we
7 Shall I 8 Will/Would you 9 Would you

11.7 Expressing wishes, etc.: 'I wish',
'if only', 'it's (high) time'

11.7A Present and past reference with 'I wish',
'if only' and 'it's (high) time'
1 present 2 present 3 present 4 past 5 past

11.7B Expressing wishes and regrets with 'I wish'
and 'if only'
Possible answers
1 I wish/If only I was/were fit/fitter!
2 I wish/If only it was/were cooler!
3 I wish/If only it wasn't/weren't raining!
4 I wish/If only I had been less impatient/more
5 I wish/If only I hadn't wasted a lot of/so much time
watching TV!
6 I wish/If only they had more friends!
7 I wish/If only we had locked the back door!
8 i wish/If only he wasn't/weren't abroad!
9 I wish/If only she hadn't read it!
10 I wish/If only he had taken it!

11.7C 'Would' and 'could' after 'I wish' and 'if only'
1 would 2 wouldn't 3 could 4 cculd 5 would
6 could
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