(nextflipdebug2) #1
Key 14.3B-15.1A

14.3B 'If I had been you/If I had been in your
Possible answers
1 If I had been Marie, I wouldn't have paid £200 for
a/that dress.
2 If I had been Franz, I would have taken that job.
3 If I had been in Ali's position, I would have studied
4 If I had been Sandra, I wouldn't have walked to
work in the rain.

14.3C 'If + past perfect + modal: 'If he had known
the facts, he might have ...'
Possible answers
1 had managed ... could have driven 2 had known ...
could have visited 3 had not wanted ... might
have missed 4 had asked ... might have helped
5 had been ... could have stayed 6 might have been
... hadn't known 7 might have made ... had not read
8 could have had ... had not been 9 had fastened ...
mightn't have been 10 mightn't have heard ...
hadn't turned on 11 could have seen ... might
have laughed 12 had told ... could have lent
13 could have saved ... had known 14 might have
played ... had had

14.3D Context
1 had been 2 would/could/might have killed
3 had been driving 4 wouldn't have been
5 had known 6 would have kept 7 had known
8 wouldn't have been driving 9 hadn't been
10 would/might/could be (or: would/might/
could have been)

14.4 Mixed conditionals; 'unless/if... not',

14.4A Mixed tenses in conditional sentences
Possible answers
1 If I were you ... I would have checked 2 If you are
so hungry, you shouldn't have missed 3 If he didn't
catch ... he won't arrive 4 He will be feeling ...
if he played 5 If the snake bite had been poisonous,
you'd feel 6 If I were ... I would have answered

14.4B 'If not' and 'unless'
Write 1 :
The following sentences need ticks: 1, 2 and 5.
Write 2:
1 Unless you tell me/If you don't tell me 2 if he
didn't have 3 - unless we had broken
4 Unless management and unions become/If union
and management do not become 5 unless I get held
up/if I don't get held up 6 Unless we have/If we

don't have 7 If you hadn't warned
14.4C Conjunctions we can sometimes use in
place of 'if'
1 Even if you gave me $10,000, I still wouldn't go
down a coal mine.
2 I'll lend you my book on (the) condition (that) you
let me have it back by Monday.
3 Providing (that) you look after it, I'll let you keep
my bicycle till the weekend.
4 So long as you don't tell anyone else, I'll tell you
what happened.
5 Assuming (that) it's a holiday on Monday, we can
drive to the seaside.
6 The children were never scolded, so long as they
did what they were told.

14.4D Context
1 are 2 (will) live 3 would/should have died
(or. might/could have died) 4 will feel 5 will be
6 could live 7 would you do 8 would have eaten
9 could change/could have changed 10 would you
change/would you have changed 11 had known
12 would have looked after

15 Direct and indirect speech

15.1 Direct speech

15.1 A Quotation marks and other punctuation
1 'John's in a hurry.'
2 'Have you been out?'
3 'Where are my glasses?'
4 'What a surprise!'
5 'How are you?'
6 'It's unbelievable!'
7 'There's someone at the door.'
8 'What a noise!'
9 'When did you arrive?'
10 'Tell me what happened.'
11 'Don't shout at me!'
12 'Have a cup of coffee.'
13 'How do you like your coffee?'
14 'Have you met Jean?'
15 'Keep quiet!'
16 'Stop!'
17 'Are you all right?'
18 'I'm waiting for a bus.'
19 'Here's a letter for you.'
20 'Haven't we met before?'
Note: double quotation marks ("... ") can, of course,
also be used.
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