(nextflipdebug2) #1
Key 15.5B-16.1C

15.5B Offers, suggestions, requests for advice:
'He asked if he should ...'
1 ... if/whether she should fax the information
to them.
... whether to fax the information to them.
2 ... if/whether he should leave a message for her.
... whether to leave a message for her.
3 ... if/whether she should heat the food for him.
... whether to heat the food for him.
4 ... if/whether he should phone him now.
... whether to phone him now
5 ... if/whether she should invite them to dinner.
... whether to invite them to dinner.

15.5C Requests for advice with question-words:
'He wanted to know how ...'
1 ... when she should be at the station.
when to be at the station.
2 ... where they should have their meeting
where to have their meeting.
3 ... which he should choose.
which to choose.
4 ... who(m) she should ask.
who(m) to ask.
5 ... what he should do.
what to do.
6 ... why she should pay this bill.
7 ... whose car he should borrow.
whose car to borrow.
8 ... why she should be punished.

15.5D Context
1 what to do/what they should do 2 advised them
to shovel 3 told them not to leave 4 how to get rid/
how we should get rid 5 what to do/what we
should do

15.6 When we use indirect speech

15.6A Interpreting direct speech
Possible answers
1 Diana suggested (that) we (should) go sailing.
2 Tom told Jennifer (that) she had just won a lottery.
She was amazed.
3 Gillian agreed with Frank when he observed that
more money should be spent on education.
4 John told Jenny (that) he didn't think she should
take up wind-surfing at her age. She disagreed,
and said (that) she felt it was {or is) a sport that
would suit all ages. When John pointed out that it
required (or requires) great physical strength,
Jenny asked, rather indignantly, who (had) told
him she was short of that.

5 Billy's mother warned him not to go too near the
lions' cage, but Billy protested that he wanted to
see the lions close up. When his mother asked
him if this wasn't close enough, he replied that it
wasn't. She told him that she was sorry, but
ordered him not to go any closer. When he
continued to insist that he wanted to, she repeated
the order.
6 Dr Grey told Mrs Flynn that she really must keep
to her diet if she was serious about losing weight.
When Dr Grey asked her if she had been keeping
to it, she hesitated and muttered something in
reply. After Dr Grey had repeated her question,
Mrs Flynn confessed that she had occasionally
had a bit extra. When asked to explain what she
meant, she reluctantly admitted that she meant 'a
cream cake or two'.
7 When Sandra asked Sam if/whether he (had)
enjoyed the film, he replied that he wasn't sure.
Sandra said she thought Gloria Gleam's
performance had been fantastic, but Sam hadn't
liked it at all. Sandra was surprised to hear this.

15.6B Context
1 told 2 ... are/were 3 me 4 is/was 5 leave/left
6 advised 7 not to make 8 said 9 went
10 (had) recently checked out 11 (had) objected
12 was 13 was leaving 14 told
15 said/protested, etc. 16 said/pointed out, etc.
17 was/is

16 The infinitive and the '-ing' form

16.1 The bare infinitive and the fo-infinitive

16.1 A Forms of the infinitive
1 leave 2 be studying 3 have done
4 have been waiting 5 be sent 6 have been done

16.1 В 'Let', 'make', 'would rather/sooner' and
'had better'
1 go 2 not stay/Don't let's stay 3 go out
4 go/Let's not go 5 be 6 post 7 wear
8 clear up 9 look 10 to scrub 11 go ...do
12 not have 13 stay 14 not say 15 go

16.1 С The infinitive with or without 'to' after 'help'
and 'know'
1 helped (me) (to) find this book.
2 (me) (to) fill in this job application form?
3 help you not to worry so much.
4 is known to be a very generous man.
5 to be a ruthless businessman.
6 known her (to) be on time.
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