(nextflipdebug2) #1

1 The sentence

1.12 The complex sentence: perfect/past participle constructions

1.12A 'Being' and 'having been' [> LEG I .60]

1 We sometimes use being in place of is, are, was or were, though this is often formal:
Instead of: I was lost, so I had to ask someone the way.
We can say: Being lost, I had to ask someone the way.

2 We sometimes use having been in place of have been or had been (also formal):
Instead of: I've been abroad, so I missed the elections.
We can say: Having been abroad, I missed the elections.

Write: Rewrite these sentences using being or having been.

1 I am out of work, so I spend a lot of my time at home.

2 John is a scientist, so he hasn't read a lot of novels.

3 He has been promised a reward, so he hopes he'll get one.

4 I was near a newsagent's, so I went in and got a paper.
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5 They had been up all night, so they were in no mbod for jokes.

1.12B 'It being' and 'there being' [> LEG I .60]

We sometimes use it being in place of it is or it was (formal):
Instead of: It was Sunday, so it was hard to find a garage open.
We can say: It being Sunday, it was hard to find a garage open.

We sometimes use there being in place of there is or there was (formal):
Instead of: There was so much noise, I couldn't hear what was going on.
We can say: There being so much noise, I couldn't hear what was going on.

We can use it being and there being after without (formal):
They often dig up the roads without it being necessary. (= it isn't necessary)
She suddenly began shouting without there being any reason. (= there was no reason)

Write: Rewrite these sentences using it being or there being, making any necessary changes.
1 There were no questions so the meeting ended quickly.
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2 Не kept helping himself to money and it wasn't noticed, (without it...)

3 He kept asking awkward questions and there was no reason for it. (without there ...)

4 It was a holiday, so there were thousands of cars on the roads.

5 There was no one in, so I left a message.
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