(nextflipdebug2) #1
2.1 One-word nouns

2.1 С Nouns and verbs with the same spelling but different stress
[> LEG 2.3.1, App 3.1]

1 With some words, when the stress is on the first syllable, the word is a noun.
When the stress is on the second syllable, it is a verb. The meanings are related:
noun: We have finished Book 1. We have made good'progress.
verb: We are now ready to prdgress to Book 2.
2 The meanings can also be quite different:
noun : My son's 'conduct at school hasn't been very good.
verb: Mahler used to con/duct the Vienna Philharmonic.

Write: Underline the syllable that you would stress when speaking.

1 I need a permitió work in this country.
2 I can't permit you to park here.
3 Will they increase my salary next year?
4 I'm looking for an increase in salary.
5 Joy objects to your proposal.
6 Don't treat me as if I were an object.
7 We've had complaints about your conduct.
8 I'll conduct you to your seat.
9 This is the entrance to the building.
10 Gloria will entrance you.
11 Do you want to buy this record?
12 Let me record your voice.

13 I've brought you a present.
14 Please present my compliments to him.
15 I must protest at your proposal.
16 The proposal didn't go without protest.
17 I've got an Australian accent.
18 Please accent every syllable.
19 Our exports have increased this year.
20 We export everything we make.
21 I'll escort you to your new office.
22 You'll need an escort.
23 Our imports have increased.
24 We import too much.

2.1 D Context

Write: Refer to the words in brackets and put in the right nouns.

A clever computer built at Imperial College, London, often suffers from
(bore) \..ÂÇH'М&Ш'..... The computer was built to find out about human
(communicate)^2 The computer acquired a simple
vocabulary in the same way as babies do: through (babble)

(^3) It is common (know) (^4) that when babies
babble, it is a (prepare)^5 for speech. When babies make
sounds like real words, they are encouraged to remember them. With
(encourage)^6 from their parents, babies quickly build up
their vocabulary. In the same way, the clever computer learnt to use real
words. For example, it learnt to identify a black cat. It was then shown a
white cat to test how good it was at (recognize)^7 It
refused to co-operate because the (solve)^8 to the
problem was too easy. At first this (refuse)^9 puzzled
scientists, but then they decided the computer was having a tantrum. 'It
just sits there and goes on strike,' a (science)^11 said.
'These clever computers must also be taught good (behave)
The computer was having a tantrum!

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