(nextflipdebug2) #1

2 Nouns




The genitive

How to show possession with 's, s' and the apostrophe (') on its own
[> LEG 2.42-46]

1 We show possession in English with the genitive form of a noun. This means we normally use
's and s' for people and some living creatures. We put the possessive before the noun it refers
to: Frank's car. (Not 'the car of Frank/the car of Frank's *)

2 The simplest rule to remember is: Add's to any personal noun unless it is in the form of a
plural ending in -s, - in which case, just add an apostrophe ('). This means:

  • add's to singular nouns and names not ending in -s: a boy's tie, Tom's hat.

  • add's to singular nouns ending in -s: an actress's career, a waitress's job.

  • add's to irregular plural nouns: children's games, the men's club, sheep's wool.

  • add an apostrophe (') after the -s of regular plurals: the girls' uniforms.

  • add's to names ending in -s: Charles's address, Doris's party, St James's Park.
    Famous names ending in s just add ('): Yeats'poetry. This is pronounced /s/or/iz/.

Write: Rewrite these sentences using 's, s', or just an apostrophe (').
1 This bicycle is for a child
2 This pen belongs to the teacher ....'.л
3 He described the career of the actress
4 That's a job for a stewardess
5 These toys belong to the children
6 This is a club for women
7 It's a school for girls
8 This is the lounge for residents
9 This umbrella belongs to James
10 That hat belongs to Doris




Apostrophe s ('s/s'), compound noun, or 'of? [> LEG 2 .47-48,2.50]

1 When we want to show possession with things, we can use of. the leg of the table.
However, we often prefer to use a compound noun instead of of. the table-leg [> 2.2В].

2 We must use of when we can't form a compound noun:
the book of the film (Not *the film's book*)-, the top of the box (Not 'the box's top*)
You can only learn these from experience. If you are in doubt, use of.

Only where possible, use an apostrophe to show possession in these sentences.

1 That's the voice of a man
2 I can't see the bottom of the box.
3 That's the decision of the committee
4 It's the fault of no one
5 This is a copy of the poetry of Keats
6 That's the leg of the table
7 Where's the key of the car?
8 That's the bell of the village church that you can hear
9 These are the stables of the horses
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