(nextflipdebug2) #1
3.5 The zero article (1)

3.6C Zero article or 'the' with place names [> LEG 3.31 ]

1 General rule: We use no article with proper nouns [> 3.5A], so this includes place names, but
there is some variation. We use the with the words bay, canal, channel, gulf, kingdom, ocean,
republic, river, sea, strait(s), union, united: the United States of America.

2 Zero for: countries (Turkey), states (Ohio), cities (Paris), streets (Oxford Street), parks (Hyde
Park), addresses (24 North Street), buildings (Westminster Abbey), geographical areas (Africa),
historical references (Ancient Rome), mountains (Everest), islands (Malta).

3 The for: some countries (the USA, the USSR), some geographical areas (the Arctic, the
Balkans), some historical references (the Dark Ages), oceans and rivers (the Pacific, the (River)
Nile), mountain ranges (the Alps, the Himalayas), deserts (the Sahara, the Gobi).

4 Zero or the: theatres (Her Majesty's/The Globe), hotels (Brown's/the Hilton), restaurants
(Leoni's/the Café Royal), hospitals (Guy's/the London Hospital).

Write: Supply the or '-'.

1 I've always understood .thé... Dark Ages to refer specifically to ...—.... Medieval Europe.
2 Ferguson has travelled everywhere from Central Asia to Arctic.
3 I've been to Brazil and Argentina, but I've never been to USA.
4 I'd love to do a tour of European capitals and visit London Paris, and Vienna.
5 What's your address? - I live in Montague Road, number 27.
6 I could never afford to stay at hotels like Brown's or Hilton.
7 Karl was born in Bavaria, but he now lives in Ohio.
8 You can't visit London without seeing Buckingham Palace.
9 I've been climbing in Alps, but I've never managed to get up Mont Blanc.
10 A lot of people have tried to cross Sahara without being properly prepared.
11 I'd Hove to traOfel-down Nile as far as Luxor.
12 There's a splendid view of Lake Geneva from this hotel.
13 We had an early dinner at Leoni's and then went to a play at Globe Theatre.
14 Go down Oxford Street till you come to Oxford Circus, then turn right.
15 Do you know the song about London Bridge?

3.6D Context

Write: Put in a/an, the or '-'.

I travel all over^1 .world on business and my neighbour thinks my life is one long holiday. You
know what^2 business travel is like: up at^3 dawn to catch^4 plane;^5
breakfast in^6 London,^7 lunch in^8 New York,^9 luggage [> 2.4B] in

(^10) Bermuda. When you're in (^11) sky, you see only snow in (^12) Arctic or
(^13) Greenland. You have glimpses of (^14) Andes or (^15) Pacific. You're always
exhausted. Your wife or husband complains you're never there to take^16 children to
(^17) school or put them to (^18) bed. When you get home, your neighbour says, 'Another
nice holiday, eh?' Give me Home Sweet Home any day!
Home Sweet Home!

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