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5 Quantity

5.3 Uses of 'some', 'any', 'no' and 'none'

5.3A 'Some/any' or zero in relation to quantity [> LEG З.Б, 3.28.8,5.З, 5.1 О]


countable nouns
The plural of a/an is normally any or some when we are referring to quantity [> 3.1 B]:
Is there a present for the children? -> Are there any presents for the children?
Here's a present for the children. -» Here are some presents for the children.
Sometimes we don't use any and some, even if we are referring to quantity.
The meaning is exactly the same, though we generally prefer to use any and some:
Are there any presents for the children? -» Are there presents for the children?
Here are some presents for the children. -» Here are presents for the children.

uncountable nouns
In the same way, we sometimes don't use any and some when referring to quantity:
Is there any milk in the fridge? is the same as Is there milk in the fridge?
There's some milk in the fridge, is the same as There's milk in the fridge.

general statements
We always use zero in general statements [> 3.1 A-B, 3.5A]:
Beans are good for you. Oil is produced in Alaska. Life is short.
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Write: We can use zero in all these sentences. Put in some or any only where possible.

1 ~ eggs are not nice to eat raw. 9
2 There are eggs in that basket. 10
3 life is full of surprises. 11
4 He's 89, but there's still life in him. 12

We can't do without bread.
Get bread while you're out.
I don't like boiled cabbage.
Would you like boiled cabbage?
5 Get meat and salad for the weekend. 13 money has to be earned.
6 Some people don't eat meat. 14 You need to earn money.
7 biscuits are bad for the teeth. 15
8 You won't find biscuits in that tin. 16

There isn't news of him.
I hate bad news.

5.3B Four basic uses of 'some' and 'any' [> LEG 5.103


Some [compare > 4.6B]
1 Affirmatives: I want some eggs. 1
2 Questions + 'yes': Do you want some tea? 2
3 Requests: May I have some tea? 3
4 (= certain): Some people believe anything. 4

Any [compare > 4.6B]
Negatives: I don't want any eggs.
Uncertain questions: Is there any...?
With hardly, etc.: There's hardly any ink.
With at all: I haven't any idea at all.

Write: Supply some or any.

1 Are there any more potatoes? - Yes, there are potatoes in the dish.
2 Have we got any sugar? - I expect we have. Yes, there's sugar in this bowl.
3 May I have more tea? - Yes, of course.
4 people just don't know how to mind their own business.
5 I didn't get shoes at the sales. They were too expensive.
6 I think we've run out of sugar. Is there sugar in that bowl? - No, there isn't.
7 There are never taxis when you want one.
8 There isn't point at all in getting upset about it.
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