lumen output from a small package, they
are frequently used in recessed luminaires
that resemble familiar incandescent down-
lights and wall-washers. These lamps can
be dimmed with an electronic dimming bal-
- T5 twin-tube “long” rapid-start/preheat
lamps have a four-pin in-line base with-
out a starter; they are available from 18
W to 80 W (figure 7.11). These are
higher-output lamps, designed to provide
the lumen output of conventional fluores-
cent lamps in smaller packages. These
lamps can be dimmed with an electronic
dimming ballast.
6.Self-ballastedcompact fluorescent lamps
are designed to directly replace incan-
descent lamps, providing savings in
energy and maintenance. They are a
complete system, containing a double-
folded compact fluorescent lamp, an
instant-start electronic ballast, an outer
diffuser, and a medium screw base
(figure 7.12). They are available in two
kinds: modular (replaceable lamp) and
non-modular. The lamps consume one-
fourth to one-third as much energy as
their incandescent counterparts and last
up to ten times longer. These compact
fluorescents with medium screw bases
are less efficacious than other compact
Figure 7.11“Long” compact fluorescent lamp at one-
quarter actual size.
Figure 7.12Non-modular, self-ballasted, compact
fluorescent lamp.