For make-up and grooming areas, a
translucent diffusing panel lights faces from
many directions, minimizing harsh shadows.
A light-colored countertop is of further help,
as it reflects light back toward the face
(figure 12.53).
Low brackets.Low bracketsare used for
lighting special task areas such as
countertops and writing or reading surfaces
(figure 12.54).
Multidirectional Luminaires
Direct-indirect luminaires
Direct-indirectluminaires provide a combi-
nation of downlight (direct lighting) and
uplight (indirect lighting), with all of the
attributes of both systems. The sharper
shadows created by direct systems are soft-
ened by the diffuse, indirect light. The
increased ceiling luminance creates a
greater diffusion of light in the space.
Interreflections reduce ceiling plane lumi-
nance variations and the resulting VDT
screen reflections.
Valances.A lightingvalanceis used over
windows, usually combined with draperies,
or special features, such as artwork. It pro-
vides both indirect uplight that reflects back
from the ceiling for ambient illumination and
downward wash-light for the drapery or art-
work (figure 12.55).
Figure 12.49Sometimes under-cabinet or under-shelf task luminaires cause veiling
reflections. This is eliminated by using a luminaire equipped with a lateral lens.