Interior Lighting for Designers

(Elliott) #1

and supports activities, is another way of
saying that limited lighting watts are being
distributed in the most effective way (figure
13.42). Stringent energy codes simply
require more careful design to establish visu-
ally satisfying environments that also meet
regulatory requirements.

Integrating Light and Architecture

To be successful, lighting design is integrated
into the fabric of the architecture. It inte-
grates the lighting concept with the architec-
tural one (figure 13.43); it integrates the

technology that produces light with the
mechanical and structural systems that erect
the building (figure 13.44). The objective is to
use modern lighting techniques in a manner
sympathetic to, and expressive of, the spirit of
the architectural concept (figure 13.45).
When light and architecture are inte-
grated, we are not aware of the mechanics
of light production—only of a comfortable
environment that encourages productivity
and enhances well-being. Because light
influences our sense of well-being, we are
ultimately concerned with not only the qual-
ity of light, but the quality of life.


Figure 13.42Limited lighting watts
distributed in an effective way.
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