Interior Lighting for Designers

(Elliott) #1

Fluorescent lamps (continued)
stroboscopic effect, 92
variations of, 87–88
Flux, photometrics, 121
Flynn, John, 18, 23, 46
Focal glow, light elements, 14, 16, 17, 18.See also
Task lights
Focused light, low-contrast environment, 12
Footcandle values.SeePhotometrics
Four-way switch, 140
Fresnel lens, refraction, 113, 114, 115
Fuse, electrical circuits, 137

Glare.See alsoLuminaire(s)
brightness, 35–41
control of, 118–120
upward light, 27
Glazing materials, windows, 60
Grazing light:
linear wash lights, 180
texture, 33–34
Greenfield conduit, electrical wiring, 136

Halogen infrared (IR) lamp, 75.See alsoTungsten-
halogen lamps
Heat gain, daylight design, 56
Hertz unit, electrical circuits, 136
High brackets, multidirectional luminaires, 202, 203
High-contrast environment, 14, 15
High-intensity discharge (HID) lamps, 92–97
bulb shapes, 94–96
color, 45, 46, 49–50
dimming, 97
dimming control, 146
lamp life, 97
light output, 97
operation, 96
types of, 92–94
High-load degree of stimulation, 11–12
High-output (HO) lamps, fluorescent lamps, 87
High-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps, high-intensity
discharge (HID) light, 49, 93, 94
Hot-cathode fluorescent lamp, 82–83
Housings, luminaires, 149–154
color perception, 9
defined, 4
Hyperopic vision, 5


calculations of, photometrics, 126–133
photometrics, 121, 123
recommended values, photometrics, 124–126
Illuminance categories, determination of, table, 269
Illuminance values:
age level recommendation, 125–126
photometric recommendation, 124–126
table of recommended, 267–268
Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
(IESNA), 122, 125–126
Illusion, perception, 6, 7
Incandescent lamps, 63–80
bases of, 64, 67
color, 45, 47–48
colored light, 77–80
comparative luminance table, 256–257
designations and properties, table, 246–253
dimming control, 143–145
Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT), 72–73
filaments, 64, 68
lamp efficacy and life, 68
light output, 68–69
linear wash lights, 179
low-voltage lamps, 75–77
tungsten-halogen lamps, 73–75
types of, 63–64, 65–66, 69–73
directional, 71–72
nondirectional, 69, 70, 71
semi-directional, 69, 71
Infrared light, halogen infrared (IR) lamp, 75.See also
Tungsten-halogen lamps
Infrared present wireless remote switch control, 141
Instant-start ballast circuits, fluorescent lamps, 84–85
Insulators, electrical wiring, 136
Integration, in design, 209
Intensity, photometrics, 121
Inverse-square method, illuminance calculations,
Iris, eye, 5

Junction box:
pendant-mounted housings, 154, 155
recessed housings, 149, 150
semi-recessed housings, 151
surface-mounted housings, 149, 152, 153

Kelly, Richard, 14, 16
Kerosene lamps, subjective impressions, 46

Lambert, Johann Heinrich, 123
Lambertian surfaces, photometrics, 122–123


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