Interior Lighting for Designers

(Elliott) #1

ter. Flynn found that differences in quantity
of horizontal illuminance significantly alter
impressions of spaciousness and perceptual
clarity. Higher illuminance values are
described as “clear,” “bright,” “distinct,”
“large,” and “more spacious”^2 (figure 2.15).

Impressions of perceptual clarity
Nothing is more important than how peo-
ple’s faces appear. Flynn demonstrated that
lighting schemes rated high in facial clarity
are considered more public; schemes that
are rated low in facial clarity are considered
more private.
Public spaceimplies intermingling and
bringing people together. The potential for
visual contact improves as the intensity of


Figure 2.15Impressions of spaciousness (large-small).

(^2) Improvement in visual contact continues to approxi-
mately 25 footcandles (fc) of ambient horizontal
illuminance, beyond which it stabilizes.

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