Body Language

(WallPaper) #1
about being interrupted you want to appear cordial and welcoming. You stop
what you’re doing, fold your hands on your desk in front of you, and ask,
‘How may I help you?’ Folding your hands and keeping them at this mid posi-
tion signals that although you’re irritated you’re not yet ready to explode.

If the interloper is paying attention she sees that by holding your hands in a
clenched position you’re holding back a negative emotion. If she’s smart she
suggests coming back at a more convenient time.

The fig leaf
A lot of people stand with their hands folded in front of their private parts
(see Figure 9-6). This position tells you that they’re comfortable standing like
that or that they don’t know what to do with their hands. They’re probably
subconsciously feeling threatened and looking for a position that offers pro-
tection. By putting their hands in front of their most vulnerable parts they
feel comfortable because they’re covered. And, now their hands have some-
thing to do. Don’t be fooled into thinking that this is a naturally confident
position. The reason the position’s comfortable is because it acts like a

Figure 9-6:
The fig leaf

Chapter 9: It's in the Palm of Your Hand 149

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