Body Language

(WallPaper) #1

Letting the Fingers Do the Talking .............................................................

If you look at the way people use their hands when they’re speaking you can
see that they often look like they’re holding onto their words. These actions
are based on the precision and power grips, which are the two ways you can
hold onto an object.

Your hands and fingers also grab themselves when you’re feeling under pres-
sure, frustrated, or conversely, when you want to demonstrate control or
authority. Even as I’m searching for the right way to convey this message I’m
resting my elbows on my desk while I grip my palms in front of my face,
watching the knuckles turn white. Finding no answer there I put my fingers to
my mouth. Again, no luck. Shift to resting my chin in my palms as I search for
inspiration. Even Henry, my dog, can tell by the way I’m using my hands that
a struggle is going on here.

The precision grip ..............................................................................

Hold something small between your thumb and fingertips. It can be a pen, a
needle, or a delicate piece of fabric. This is the precision grip, shown in
Figure 9-7, which allows you to hold and manipulate an object precisely.

Figure 9-7:
grip demon-

150 Part III: The Trunk: Limbs and Roots

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