Body Language

(WallPaper) #1

Gesturing with your thumbs .............................................................

Gestures associated with the thumb convey dominance, superiority, and in
some cases aggression so it’s not surprising that in palmistry the thumb
denotes strength of character and ego. If you’ve ever heard the expression
‘under the thumb’ you know the implication is that the person with the
thumb is the one in control. Woe betide the person under the thumb, as
according to ancient Roman history the thumb turned down served as a sign
of imminent death.

Thumbs up: The thumb up position generally denotes agreement. But be
careful using this gesture as in some cultures it’s perceived as rude and
highly offensive.

Thumbs protruding from a person’s pockets: This gesture demon-
strates dominance and self-assuredness. Although both men and women
use this gesture, it’s the rare woman who adopts the position of holding
her jacket lapel with the thumb exposed, whereas men often do.
Gesturing towards another person with your thumb: When you use
your thumb to point towards someone else, you’re being dismissive, dis-
respectful, or ridiculing the other person.

Andrew had the unfortunate habit of ridiculing Jane, his wife, in front of their
friends. When they were in company he would often refer to her as ‘the little
woman’ gesturing in her direction with a closed fist, using his thumb as a
pointer. Although Jane told him how irritating she found this gesture, as well
as the accompanying remarks, Andrew took no notice. He did notice, how-
ever, when after several years of rude and disrespectful behaviour Jane
divorced him.

Analysing Handshakes.................................................................................

Shaking hands upon meeting is a tradition that creates a bond of solidarity.
Our ancestors in their caves greeted one another with out-stretched arms
and exposed palms to show they were free of clubs and other life-threatening
weapons. Scuttle along to the Roman period, where it was common to carry
concealed daggers up ones sleeve. Hence, two men would grab each other’s
lower arms as a means of greeting and to check out the other’s intentions.

As the handshake evolved it became a gesture to cement agreements, offer a
welcome, and bid someone farewell. Therefore, make sure that when you
shake hands the gesture is open, congenial, and positive.

156 Part III: The Trunk: Limbs and Roots

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