Body Language

(WallPaper) #1
Before determining that someone is bored with what you’re saying, look into
her eyes. If they’re bright and alight the person who’s resting her head in
her hand may be thinking. If the eyes are dull and unblinking, she’s probably

Showing You’re Deep in Thought .................................................................

Some of the most misinterpreted gestures are those that demonstrate pen-
siveness or deep thinking. Auguste Rodin’s sculpture, ‘The Thinker’, is the
prototype for the thinking position. The subject has his head resting on his
hand and is in a forward leaning position.

Placing your hand on your cheek indicates thought, consideration, or some
kind of meditation. If your eyes are active and regularly blink they show that
you’re considering your options.

The main difference between someone who’s thinking and someone who’s
bored can be detected in the body’s energy. A person who’s actively engaged
in thought shows interest and attentiveness. Her eyes are engaged, she may
have one or both hands placed by her head, and her body leans forward.

58 Part II: Starting at the Top

Boredom and burnout

According to Ramon Greenwood, senior career
counsellor at Common Sense At Work (www., critical bore-
dom, in which you’re tired of your day-in-day-
out job is more dangerous than being bored
with a specific part of your work. His research
shows that being bored with at least one-half of
a person’s tasks for any particular job is usual.
Being bored by the job itself can lead to burnout.
Signs of burnout include fatigue, low morale,
fear, despair, absenteeism, hostility (at home as
well as at work), increased health problems,
and substance abuse – which are all threaten-
ing to your health and your career. Boredom and
burnout often result over time from bringing

more ability to a task than is required. Stated dif-
ferently, the job only requires half your brain and
half your energy.
According to the American Psychological
Association, signs of boredom are similar to
signs of depression. Common symptoms include
changes in sleeping and eating patterns as well
as loss of pleasure and purpose. The two
groups of people most likely to commit suicide
are teenagers and the elderly. Both groups
described themselves as bored. This informa-
tion gives added meaning to the expression
‘bored to death’.
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