Body Language

(WallPaper) #1
eyes widen, taking in the information and your mouth may be slightly

The open position indicates interest. Whether the interest is romantic, intel-
lectual, spiritual, or just plain friendly, the look on the person’s face is open.
The eyes are engaged, the head may tilt or nod, and the body leans forward
as if getting immersed in the subject. No blocks – such as lowered eyebrows,
a jutting chin, or a furrowed forehead – stand between you and the person
you’re interacting with. You lean forward, ready to go, and your expectant
face follows.

People nod when they’re listening. A slow nod shows that they’re taking in
what the other person’s saying and are prepared to let him continue. A fast
nod indicates that although the person may be interested in what the
speaker’s saying, he feels a sense to hurry things along.

Research into the behavioural similarities within the animal kingdom shows
that birds, dogs, and humans amongst others cock their heads when they’re

Figure 4-3:
A fearful
face is

72 Part II: Starting at the Top

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