
(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. What type of microscope uses a cone of light so
    that light only hits the specimen indirectly, producing a
    darker image on a brighter background?
    a. a transmission electron microscope
    b. a scanning electron microscope
    c. a brightfield microscope
    d. a darkfield microscope
    e. a phase-contrast microscope

  2. What mordant is used in Gram staining?
    a. crystal violet
    b. safranin
    c. acid-alcohol
    d. iodine

  3. What is one difference between specimen
    preparation for a transmission electron microscope
    (TEM) and preparation for a scanning electron
    microscope (SEM)?
    a. OnlytheTEMspecimenrequiressputtercoating.
    b. Only the SEM specimen requires sputter-
    c. Only the TEM specimen must be dehydrated.
    d. Only the SEM specimen must be dehydrated.

Fill in the Blank

  1. When you see light bend as it moves from air into water, you are observing _____.

  2. A microscope that uses multiple lenses is called a _____ microscope.

  3. Chromophores that absorb and then emit light are called __.

  4. In a(n) ___ microscope, a probe located just above the specimen moves up and down in response to forces
    between the atoms and the tip of the probe.

  5. What is the total magnification of a specimen that is being viewed with a standard ocular lens and a 40⨯
    objective lens?

  6. Ziehl-Neelsen staining, a type of ___ staining, is diagnostic forMycobacterium tuberculosis.

  7. The ___ is used to differentiate bacterial cells based on the components of their cell walls.

Short Answer

  1. Explain how a prism separates white light into different colors.

  2. Why is Antonie van Leeuwenhoek’s work much better known than that of Zaccharias Janssen?

  3. Why did the cork cells observed by Robert Hooke appear to be empty, as opposed to being full of other

  4. What is the function of the condenser in a brightfield microscope?

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76 Chapter 2 | How We See the Invisible World

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