Covariance, 785
Descriptive Statistics, 785–786
exponential smoothing, 786
Fourier Analysis, 787
F-Test, 786–787
Histogram, 787–788
Moving Average, 788–789
overview, 783
Random Number Generation, 789–790
Rank and Percentile, 790
Regression, 790–791
Sampling, 791–792
t-Test, 792
z-Test, 792
using, 783
Analysis ToolPak—VBA add-in, 905
And criteria, 289–291, 305–307
AND function, 925
angled text, displaying, 125–126
animated border, 79
annuity, 348
annuity calculator.xlsx sample file, 937
ANSI character set, 231–232
Any Value option, Data Validation dialog box, 571
Application close button, 6–7
Application minimize button, 6–7
Application object, 814, 816
Application.ActiveCell property, 816
Application.ActiveSheet property, 816
Application.ActiveWorkbook property, 816
applications, on CD, 934
Application.Selection property, 816
Apply Names dialog box, 226
Apply These Changes to All Other Cells with the Same
Setting check box, 572
area charts, 427–428
area charts.xlsx sample file, 938
AREAS function, 926
Areas method, 895
formulas and functions, 201–202
function procedure, 828–833
Arrange command, 521
Arrange Windows dialog box, 51
array, defined, 355
array argument, 316
array examples.xlsx sample file, 937
array formula calendar.xlsx sample file, 937
array formulas
#VALUE! error, 656
array constant elements, 360
AddinInstall event, 876
add-ins, 514. See also custom add-ins
Add-Ins dialog box
installing add-ins, 913
overview, 904–905
AddIns object, 814
Add-Ins tab, Ribbon, 11
AddinUninstall event, 876
cell, 8–9, 69
range, 69
ADDRESS function, 328, 385, 926
Advanced tab
Excel Options dialog box, 36–38, 52, 439, 519, 806
Share Workbook dialog box, 631–633
age, calculating, 265–266
AGGREGATE function, 201, 204–205, 380, 926
alert messages, 900
Align with Page Margins check box, 187
aligning objects, 523
Alignment tab
Format Axis dialog box, 452
Format Cells dialog box, 15, 122, 125
All Commands option, Choose Commands From drop-down
list, 544
All Except Borders option, Paste Special dialog box, 88
All merging conditional formats option, Paste Special dialog
box, 88
All Methods tab, Solver Options dialog box, 770–771
All option, Paste Special dialog box, 87
All References list box, Consolidate dialog box, 600
All Using Source Theme option, Paste Special dialog box, 88
allocating resources.xlsx sample file, 941
Allow drop-down list, Data Validation dialog box, 571
Allow Users to Edit Ranges dialog box, 641
Alphabetic tab, Properties window, 863
alternate-rows, shading, 497
Always Show Document Information Panel on Document
Open and Initial Save check box, 151
AMORDEGRC function, 923
AMORLINC function, 923
ampersand (&), 234
Analysis ToolPak add-in
WORKDAY function, 264
counting formulas, 297–298
installing, 298, 782
overview, 781–782, 905
Analysis of Variance, 784
Correlation, 784–785
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