Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



editing, 98
formatting, 95
hiding and showing, 97
overview, 94–95
printing, 96–97
reading, 96
selecting, 97–98
conditional formatting
copying, 500
locating, 501
counting and summing, 281–283
counting characters in, 243
counting formulas, 283–285
counting occurrences of specific text, 292–293
counting occurrences of substrings in, 243–244
creating drop-down list, 573
Data Validation feature, 574–575
data-entry techniques
AutoComplete feature, 39
AutoCorrect feature, 40
AutoFill feature, 38–39
automatically moving the cell pointer, 37
Ctrl+Enter key combination, 38
current date or time, 42
decimal points, 38
forcing text to appear, 40
forms, 40–42
navigation keys, 37
numbers with fractions, 40
selecting range of input cells, 38
defined, 5
editing contents, 35–37
erasing contents, 35
filled with hash marks, 651
filling with repeating characters, 568
identifying particular type, 661–662
joining, 234–235
linking controls to, 864
look up address of values within range, 326
merging, 124–125
overview, 34, 69
printing gridlines, 183–184
prompting for values, 893
references in
changing types of, 212
from other workbooks, 213–214
from other worksheets, 212–213
overview, 209–210
relative, absolute, and mixed, 210–212
referencing within pivot tables, 733–735
replacing contents, 35

By Changing Variable Cells field, Solver Parameters dialog
box, 767
By list box, Grouping dialog box, 720
Byte data type, 901

Calculate event, 880
calculated fields, 724–728
calculated fields and items.xlsx sample file, 940
calculated items, in pivot tables
creating, 724–725
inserting, 728–731
calculation mode, changing, 341
calendar, displaying in ranges, 398–399
Camera tool, 535
Cancel option, File in Use dialog box, 629
candlesticks, 434–435
Capitalize First Letter of Sentences option, AutoCorrect
dialog box, 672
Capitalize Names of Days option, AutoCorrect dialog box, 673
Caption property, 864
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 609
changing, 239–240
lookup formulas, 320–321
case sensitive password, 151
Categorized tab, Properties window, 863
category axis, 407, 452–455
Category field, database table, 698
category_labels argument, 459
applications, 934
eBook version of Excel 2010 Bible, 934
sample files for Excel 2010 Bible, 934–942
system requirements, 933
troubleshooting, 942
using, 933–934
CEILING function, 927
CEILING.PRECISE function, 927
cell dependents, 663
CELL function, 925
cell precedents, 663
cell references.xlsx sample file, 936
Cell Styles command, 132
cells. See also ranges
blank, 317–318, 651–652
changing, 753, 765
changing shape, 96
deleting, 98

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