Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



formatting, 95
hiding and showing, 97
overview, 94–95
printing, 96–97
reading, 96
selecting, 97–98
VBA code, 812
Comments option
Add Scenario dialog box, 756
Go to Special dialog box, 75
Paste Special dialog box, 88
comparative histogram.xlsx sample file, 938
Compare Side by Side feature, 61
comparisons, chart, 417
checking, 157–159
saving for use with older versions, 159–160
Compatibility Category Functions, 918–919
Compatibility Checker dialog box, 156–158
Compatibility Mode section, Info pane, 65, 154
COMPLEX function, 921
compound interest, calculating, 344–346
CONCATENATE function, 235, 932
concatenation operator, 234
conditional colors.xlsx sample file, 938
Conditional Formats option, Go to Special dialog box, 76
conditional formatting
copying cells, 500
deleting, 500
formula-based rules
formula examples, 496–499
overview, 494–495
relative and absolute references, 495–496
color scales, 487–490
data bars, 485–487
icon sets, 490–494
loan amortization schedule, 337
locating cells, 501
making rules, 484–485
managing rules, 499–500
overview, 481–482
types of, 483–484
Conditional Formatting command, Ribbon, 14
Conditional Formatting drop-down list, 483
conditional formatting examples.xlsx sample
file, 939
conditional formatting formulas, 494
conditional formatting formulas.xlsx sample
file, 939

collections, VBA macros, 814–815
colon operator, 225
chart columns, 474–475
charts, 430–432
Sparkline graphics, 508
worksheets, 127–128
Color Scale conditional formatting rule, 482
color scale example.xlsx sample file, 939
Color Scales command, Conditional Formatting drop-down
list, 483
Columbus Day, date functions, 270
column chart, 418
column charts.xlsx sample file, 938
Column Differences option, Go to Special dialog box, 75
COLUMN function, 497–498, 926
column labels, pivot table, 704
column letters
overview, 6–7
replacing table headings, 63
Column Sparkline, 504
Column to Filter list, Query Wizard, 685–686
Column Width dialog box, 68
Column Widths option, Paste Special dialog box, 88
ColumnCount property
ComboBox control, 867
ListBox control, 868
columns. See also rows and columns
defined, 99
keeping visible while scrolling, 63
selecting entire, 105
COLUMNS function, 926
COMBIN function, 927
combination chart, 407, 465–468
ComboBox control, ActiveX, 844, 861, 867–868
comma operator, 225
Comma Style button
Number Format drop-down list, 44
Ribbon, 553
CommandBar object, 913
CommandButton control, ActiveX, 844, 848, 861, 868
adding to Quick Access toolbar, 543–545
Ribbon interface, 13–15
Commands Not in the Ribbon option, Choose Commands
From drop-down list, 544
changing shape, 96
deleting, 98
editing, 98

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