creating macros for, 864–866
design mode, 862
linking controls to cells, 864
overview, 843–844, 861
Convert button, 154
CONVERT function, 921
Convert to Number option, Smart Tag, 230
charts to combination chart, 466–467
tables to ranges, 113
Copy method, 888
Copy to New Sheet button, Compatibility Checker dialog
box, 158
cells and ranges
adjacent cells, 82–83
drag-and-drop, 81–82
Office Clipboard, 84–85
to other sheets, 83
overview, 78–79
Paste Special dialog box, 87–89
pasting, 85–86
Ribbon commands, 79–80
shortcut keys, 81
shortcut menu commands, 80–81
chart formatting, 447
charts, 414
from Excel to Word
pasting links, 620–622
pasting static information, 617–620
with Office application, 615–617
pivot tables, 708
workbooks, in Word, 624–626
worksheets, 56
Correct Accidental Use of cAPS LOCK key option,
AutoCorrect dialog box, 673
Correct TWo INitial CApitals option, AutoCorrect dialog
box, 672
CORREL function, 785, 929
Correlation dialog box, 785
Correlation tool, Analysis ToolPak add-in, 784–785
COS function, 927
COSH function, 927
Cost argument, 351
COUNT function, 282, 929
Count Numbers summary formula, 108
Count property, 895
Count summary formula, 108
count unique.xlsx sample file, 936
COUNTA function, 282, 285, 392, 929
Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog box, 483
conditional sums
multiple criteria
using And, 305–306
using And and Or, 307
using Or, 306–307
single criterion
only negative values, 303–304
overview, 302–303
values based on date comparisons, 305
values based on different ranges, 304
values based on text comparisons, 305
conditional sum.xlsx sample file, 936
CONFIDENCE function, 918
Confidence Level option, Regression dialog box, 791
CONFIDENCE.NORM function, 929
CONFIDENCE.T function, 929
confirmation message, saving references, 592
Connect button, Create New Data Source dialog box, 683
Connect Data Points with Line option, 461–462
consecutive integers, generating arrays of, 370–371
Consolidate command, consolidating worksheets,
Consolidate dialog box, 600
consolidating worksheets
example of, 601–603
overview, 597–598
refreshing, 604
using Consolidate command, 600–601
using formulas, 598
using Paste Special dialog box, 599
Constant Is Zero option, Regression dialog box, 791
Constants option, Go to Special dialog box, 75
Constraint Precision option, Solver Options dialog box, 771
adding, 767–768
binding, 769
defined, 765
Constraints section, Solver Results dialog box, 769
contextual tabs, Ribbon interface, 13
Contextures, Web site, 948
contiguous range, 71
continuous compounding interest, 346–348
contracting multicell arrays, 365–366
defined, 801
adding, 862
adjusting properties, 862–863
common properties, 863–864
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