Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



decimal hours, 277–278
Decimal option, Data Validation dialog box, 571
decimal points, 38
Decrease Decimal Places button, Ribbon, 44, 553, 560
default element, InputBox function, 838
default number format, 556
default row height, 68
default templates, 166–168
Default Width command, 68
default workbook template, 166
default worksheet template, 166
DEGREES function, 927
Degrees spinner control, Format Cells dialog box, 126
Delete All Draft Versions command, Info pane, 156
Delete button, Consolidate dialog box, 601
Delete Columns option, Protect Sheet dialog box, 640
Delete command drop-down list, 35
Delete Rows option, Protect Sheet dialog box, 640
chart elements, 415
charts, 414
comments in cells, 98
conditional formatting, 500
data series, 456
queries, 690
rows and columns, 66
worksheets, 54
DELTA function, 922
dependent lists, 578–579
dependent variable, 791
dependent workbook
defined, 589
Save As command, 596
dependents, 665
Dependents option, Go to Special dialog box, 76, 665
dependent.xlsx sample file, 939
deposits, future value of
compound interest, 344–346
interest with continuous compounding, 346–348
simple interest, 343–344
depreciation, calculating, 350–353
depreciation calculations.xlsx sample file, 937
Description option, Record Macro dialog box, 803
descriptive information, 151, 911
Descriptive Statistics tool, Analysis ToolPak add-in, 785–786
Design contextual tab, 13
Design Mode icon, 862
design mode, UserForm, 862
destination application, 615

current date, 259
date of most recent Sunday, 267
date’s quarter, 271
day of week, 267
day of year, 266–267
displaying date, 259–260
first day of week after a date, 267–268
generating series of dates, 260–261
holiday dates
Christmas Day, 271
Columbus Day, 270
Easter, 270
Independence Day, 270
Labor Day, 270
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 269
Memorial Day, 270
New Year’s Day, 269
overview, 268–269
Presidents’ Day, 269
Thanksgiving Day, 271
Veterans Day, 270
last day of month, 271
leap year, 271
nth occurrence of day of week in month, 268
number of days between dates, 262
number of work days dates, 263–264
number of years between dates, 265
offsetting dates using only work days, 264
Date option, Data Validation dialog box, 570–572
DATEDIF function, 265–266
dates. See also date functions
entering, 33–34, 42
formatting, 566
grouping in pivot tables, 719–721
DATEVALUE function, 258, 260, 920
DAVERAGE function, 920
David McRitchie’s Excel Pages Web site, 948
DAY function, 258–259, 920
DAYS360 function, 258, 920
DB function, 350, 923
DCOUNT function, 282, 920
DCOUNTA function, 282, 920
DDB function, 350, 923
Deactivate event, 876, 880
dead formulas, 228
debugging custom worksheet functions, 833–834
DEC2BIN function, 922
DEC2HEX function, 922
DEC2OCT function, 922
Decimal data type, 901

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