Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



display preferences, 147
Info options
Compatibility Mode section, 154
Permissions section, 154–155
Prepare for Sharing section, 155–156
Security Warning section, 153–154
Versions section, 156
names of
extracting from path specification, 244
filtering, 146–147
organizing, 151–153
overview, 141–142
passwords, 150–151
reservations, 628–629
safeguarding, 157
fill handle, 23
Fill horizontal alignment option, Format Cells dialog box, 123
Fill tab, Format Cells dialog box, 484
Filter button, Name Manager dialog box, 660
Filter command, shortcut menu, 113
Filter Data dialog box, Query Wizard, 685
data, Query Wizard, 685–686
with slicers, 731–733
tables, 112–113
final mark, workbooks, 646
financial application formulas. See formulas, for financial
Financial Category Functions, 923–924
financial functions, 4, 331
Find All button, Find and Replace dialog box, 669
Find and Replace dialog box, 76–77, 252, 501, 552, 668–671
Find Format dialog box, 670
FIND function, 242, 932
Finish button, Query Wizard, 686–687
FINV function, 918
F.INV function, 929
F.INV.RT function, 929
First Column check box, 107
First Point option, Sparklines, 509
FISHER function, 930
FISHERINV function, 930
fixed decimal–places option, 38
FIXED function, 932
fixed pitch font, 67
Fixed value error bar, Format Error Bars dialog box, 462–463
fixed-term investment, 344
floating point number errors, 659–660
FLOOR function, 927
FLOOR.PRECISE function, 927
Followed Hyperlink style, 611

retrieving data
database file, 681
overview, 680
selecting data source, 682–684
specifying location for data, 687–688
using Query Wizard, 684–687
using without Wizard, 690–693
external reference formulas
changing link source, 595
changing startup prompt, 594
creating link formulas by pointing, 591
creating links to unsaved workbooks, 592
link formula syntax, 590–591
opening workbook with, 592–594
pasting links, 591
severing links, 595
updating links, 594–595
all but first word of strings, 245
characters from strings, 240–241
filenames from path specifications, 244
first, middle, and last names, 245–247
last word of strings, 244–245
extreme color scale.xlsx sample file, 939

FACT function, 927
FACTDOUBLE function, 927
Factor argument, 351
FALSE function, 925
Favorite Links list, 146
FDIST function, 918
F.DIST function, 929
F.DIST.RT function, 929
fence-post analogy, 262
field, database, 678
field buttons, pivot chart, 738
15-digit accuracy, 31
File Block Policy, 145
File button, 4, 6–7, 470–471
File in Use dialog box, 629
File Name button, 187
File Name field, Save As dialog box, 148
File Now Available dialog box, 629
File Path button, 187
File Tab option, Choose Commands From drop-down list, 544
files. See also workbooks
AutoRecover feature, 149–150
checking, 157–159
saving for use with older versions, 159–160

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