Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



chart elements, 415–416
comments in cells, 95
copying cells, 500
deleting, 500
formula-based rules, 494–495
graphics, 485–494
locating cells, 501
making rules, 484–485
managing rules, 499–500
overview, 481–482
types of, 483–484
data, 693
dates and times, 254–255
automatic, 43–44, 552
creating, 555–560
custom, 47–48
examples of, 560–568
Format Cells dialog box, 45–47, 554–555
overview, 42–43, 551–552
Ribbon interface, 44, 552–553
shortcut keys, 45, 553
pivot tables, 703–705
searching for, 670–671
Shape images, 520–522
shortcut keys, 952
background images, 130–131
borders and lines, 128–129
colors and shading, 127–128
document themes, 135–139
fonts, 119–122
named styles, 131–135
text alignment, 122–127
tools for, 115–119
Formatting (R) option, 86, 88
forms, data entry, 40–42
Formula Autocomplete feature, 204, 218
Formula AutoCorrect feature, 199, 651
Formula bar
array constants, 367
Check Mark icon, 36
defined, 32–33
editing keys, 951–952
overview, 6–7
using as calculator, 227
X icon, 36
formula data, 29–31
Formula Evaluator feature, 390, 667–668

FollowHyperlink event, 880
Font tab, Format Cells dialog box, 120, 484
modifying in charts, 443
worksheet formatting, 119–122
footers. See headers and footers
FORECAST function, 371, 930
Form button, Customize Quick Access Toolbar, 41–42
Form controls, 860
Format Axis dialog box
Alignment tab, 452
Axis Options tab, 448–449
displaying, 415
Format button
Find What text box, 669
New Formatting Rule dialog box, 484–485
Format Cells dialog box
Alignment tab, 122
Border tab, 129, 484
Clear button, 484
Custom category in the Number tab, 399
Fill tab, 484
Font tab, 484
formatting numbers, 45–47, 554–555
Number tab, 254, 484
overview, 118–119
pivot tables, 703
Protection tab, 639
tabbed dialog boxes, 19–21
Format Cells option, Protect Sheet dialog box, 640
Format Chart Area dialog box, 189, 417
Format Columns option, Protect Sheet dialog box, 640
Format Comment dialog box, 95
Format contextual tab, 13
Format Data Labels dialog box, 460
Format Data Point dialog box, 456
Format Data Series dialog box
displaying, 456
Series Options tab, 425, 475
Format Data Table dialog box, 468–469
Format dialog box
charts, 441–442
Properties tab, 189
Format Error Bars dialog box, 462–463
Format Painter button, 131
Format Picture button, 187
Format Rows option, Protect Sheet dialog box, 640
Format Shape dialog box, 522
Format Trendline dialog box, 463–464
Formatted Text (RTF) paste option, Paste Special dialog
box, 619

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