Part I: Getting Started with Excel
Zooming affects only the active worksheet, so you can use different zoom factors for different worksheets.
Also, if you have a worksheet displayed in two different windows, you can set a different zoom factor for each
of the windows. n
If your worksheet uses named ranges (see Chapter 4), zooming your worksheet to 39% or less displays the
name of the range overlaid on the cells. Viewing named ranges in this manner is useful for getting an overview
of how a worksheet is laid out. n
Viewing a worksheet in multiple windows ................................................................
Sometimes, you may want to view two different parts of a worksheet simultaneously — perhaps to
make referencing a distant cell in a formula easier. Or you may want to examine more than one
sheet in the same workbook simultaneously. You can accomplish either of these actions by open-
ing a new view to the workbook, using one or more additional windows.
To create and display a new view of the active workbook, choose View ➪ Window ➪
New Window.
Excel displays a new window for the active workbook, similar to the one shown in Figure 3.6. In
this case, each window shows a different worksheet in the workbook. Notice the text in the win-
dows’ title bars: climate data.xlsx:1 and climate data.xlsx:2. To help you keep track
of the windows, Excel appends a colon and a number to each window.
If the workbook is maximized when you create a new window, you may not even notice that Excel created the
new window. If you look at the Excel title bar, though, you’ll see that the workbook title now has :2 appended
to the name. Choose View ➪ Window ➪ Arrange All and choose one of the Arrange options in the Arrange
Windows dialog box to display the open windows. If you select the Windows of Active Workbook check box,
only the windows of the active workbook are arranged. n
A single workbook can have as many views (that is, separate windows) as you want. Each window
is independent. In other words, scrolling to a new location in one window doesn’t cause scrolling
in the other window(s). However, if you make changes to the worksheet shown in a particular
window, those changes are also made in all views of that worksheet.
You can close these additional windows when you no longer need them. For example, clicking the
Close button on the active window’s title bar closes the active window but doesn’t close the other
windows for the workbook.
Multiple windows make copying or moving information from one worksheet to another easier. You can use
Excel’s drag-and-drop procedures to copy or move ranges. n