Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



letter grades for test scores, 322
levels, outline, 588
Life argument, 351
Light style category, tables, 103
line chart, 405, 418, 423–424
line charts.xlsx sample file, 938
Line Sparkline, 504
line width, Sparkline graphics, 508
linear equations, 771–773
linear equations.xlsx sample file, 941
lines, worksheet, 128–129
LINEST function
function of, 930
returning arrays, 371
Link to File check box, Object dialog box, 626
Linked Picture (I) option, 86
LinkedCell property
CheckBox control, 867
ComboBox control, 867
defined, 864
ListBox control, 869
OptionButton control, 869
ScrollBar control, 870
SpinButton control, 871
linking workbooks
external reference formulas
changing link source, 595
changing startup prompts, 594
creating link formulas by pointing, 591
creating links to unsaved workbooks, 592
link formula syntax, 590–591
opening workbook with, 592–594
pasting links, 591
severing links, 595
updating links, 594–595
overview, 589–590
problem avoidance
intermediary links, 597
modifying source workbooks, 596–597
overview, 595
renaming or moving source workbooks, 596
using Save As command, 596
Links dialog box, 621–622
list formulas.xlsm sample file, 941
List option, Data Validation dialog box, 571
ListBox control, ActiveX, 844, 861, 868–869
ListFillRange property
ComboBox control, 867
defined, 864
ListBox control, 869

Jon Peltier’s Excel Page, 948
Justify horizontal alignment option, Format Cells dialog
box, 123
Justify vertical alignment option, Format Cells dialog box, 124

Keep Source Column Width (W) option, 85
Keep Source Formatting (K) option, 85
key field, 678
accessing Ribbon via, 15–16
navigating with, 9–10
selecting chart elements, 438–439
keyboard shortcuts, 587. See also shortcut keys
keytips pop-up, 15–16
KURT function, 930
Kusleika, Dick, 948

Label control, ActiveX, 844, 861, 868
Label Options tab, Format Data Labels dialog box, 460
Labor Day, date functions, 270
landscape orientation, 179
Language tab, Excel Options dialog box, 127
LARGE function
function of, 930
with range argument, 832
summing values, 381
LargeChange property, 870
Last Cell option, Go to Special dialog box, 76
Last Column check box, 107
Last Custom Setting, Page Layout view, 180
Last Point option, Sparklines, 509
Layout contextual tab, 13
of charts, 409–411
of SmartArt diagram, 528
LCM function, 927
leap year, 255–256, 271
Left arrow key, 10
Left Column check box, Consolidate dialog box, 602
LEFT function
extracting characters from string, 240–241
function of, 932
Left horizontal alignment option, Format Cells dialog box, 122
Left property, 864
legend, chart, 407, 439, 442, 446–448
LEN function
counting characters in string, 239
function of, 932

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