Merge Across option, 125
Merge Cells option, 125
Merge command, Ribbon, 14
Merge Conditional Formatting (G) option, 86
Merge Scenarios dialog box, 758–759
cells, 124–125
name styles, 134–135
scenarios, 758
metadata, 151, 911
defined, 801
VBA, 814
Microsoft Excel Chart Object paste option, Paste Special
dialog box, 619
Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object paste option, Paste Special
dialog box, 619
Microsoft Office Graphic Object paste option, Paste Special
dialog box, 619, 621
Microsoft Office Online, 161–162
Microsoft Query. See Query application
Microsoft technical support, 944–945
microsoft.public.excel newsgroup, 946
microsoft.public.excel.charting newsgroup, 946
newsgroup, 946
microsoft.public.excel.macintosh newsgroup, 946
microsoft.public.excel.misc newsgroup, 946
microsoft.public.excel.newusers newsgroup, 946
microsoft.public.excel.printing newsgroup, 946
microsoft.public.excel.programming newsgroup,
microsoft.public.excel.templates newsgroup, 946
newsgroup, 946
MID function
extracting characters from string, 240–241
function of, 932
summing integer digits, 386–387
military time, converting, 277
millions, displaying values in, 562–563
MIME HTML file, 606
MIN function
function of, 930
gauge charts, 473
returning location of maximum value in range, 385
Min property
ScrollBar control, 870
SpinButton control, 870
Min summary formula, 108
Manage Versions button, 156
Manual Calculation mode, 221
Manual item grouping, pivot table, 717
manual what-if analysis, 747
Manufacturing sheet tab, 73
“marching ants” border, 79
Margins tab, Page Setup dialog box, 181
Mark as Final option, Info pane, 155
Marker Color control, Sparklines, 509
Markers option, Sparklines, 509
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, date functions, 269
master workbook, 135
Match Case check box
Find and Replace dialog box, 78
Find What text box, 669
Match Entire Cell Contents check box
Find and Replace dialog box, 78
Find What text box, 669
MATCH function
function of, 926
general discussion, 316–318
Lookup formulas, 311
returning longest text in range, 385
Match Style command, 443
match_type argument, MATCH function, 316
Math & Trig Category Functions, 926–927
Math AutoCorrect tab, AutoCorrect dialog box, 674
mathematical functions, plotting, 477–479
Max Feasible Solutions option, Solver Options dialog box,
MAX function
formulas using, 200
function of, 930
returning longest text in range, 385
Max property
ScrollBar control, 870
SpinButton control, 871
Max Subproblems option, Solver Options dialog box, 771
Max summary formula, 108
Max Time option, Solver Options dialog box, 771
MAXA function, 930
Maximize (Restore) button, 50
Maximum Axis Value option, 450
MaxLength property, 871
MDETERM function, 927
MDURATION function, 923
MEDIAN function, 930
Medium style category, table, 103
Memorial Day, date functions, 270
Merge & Center control , Ribbon, 125
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