containing macros, 798
overview, 147–148, 896
worksheets as PDF files, 645–646
Scale with Document check box, 187
scaling, printed output, 183
scaling values
adding zeros, 563
hundreds, 561
millions, 562–563
thousands, 560–561
scatter plots, 426
scattergrams, 426
Scenario Manager feature
defined, 747
defining scenarios, 754–756
displaying scenarios, 757
generating scenario reports, 758–759
merging scenarios, 758
modifying scenarios, 758
overview, 753–754
Scenario Name field, Add Scenario dialog box, 756
Scenario PivotTable, 759
Scenario Summary dialog box, 759
Scenario Summary report, 759
Scenarios drop-down list, 757
Scientific format category, 554
Scientific format, Format Cells dialog box, 46–47
scope, 91
Screen capture tool, 4
screen updating, 899
screenshots, inserting, 533–535
ScreenTip button, Insert Hyperlink dialog box, 610
scroll box, 10
Scroll Lock key, 9
ScrollBar control, ActiveX, 844, 861, 869–870
scrollbars, 10
ScrollBars property, 872
Search button, Help system, 943
Search drop-down list, 669
Search for a Function field, Insert Function dialog box, 207
SEARCH function, 242, 932
formatting, 670–671
information, 669–670
newsgroups, 946–947
selecting cells by, 76–78
within strings, 242
SECOND function, 272, 921
seconds, decimal, 277–278
row_index_num argument, HLOOKUP function, 314
row_num argument, INDEX function, 316
rows and columns
column width, changing, 67–68
defined, 99
deleting, 66
headers, printing, 185
height, changing, 67
hiding, 66–67
inserting, 65–66
keeping visible while scrolling, 63
returning last value in, 392
row height, changing, 67
selecting, 890–891
selecting entire, 105
selecting to end of, 890
shading groups of, 498–499
tables, 105–106
ROWS function, 926
RSQ function, 931
RTD function, 926
Rule of 72, 347–348
conditional formatting
making, 484–485
managing, 499–500
formula-based, 494–499
sales by date.xlsx sample file, 940
sales by region pivot chart.xlsx sample file, 940
Salvage argument, 351
Sample box, Format Cells dialog box, 565
sample files, CD, 934–942
Sampling tool, Analysis ToolPak add-in, 791–792
Save As command, linking workbooks, 596
Save As dialog box
compared to Open dialog box, 148
Save As Type drop-down list, 798
saving file for older version of Excel, 159
Save button, Quick Access toolbar, 18, 28
Save Chart Template dialog box, 469
Save Files in This Format option, Excel Options dialog box, 148
Save to SharePoint option, 614
Save to SkyDrive option, 614
Save tool, Quick Access toolbar, 542
custom templates, 170
files for use with older versions, 159–160
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