Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



shape examples.xlsx sample file, 939
Shape images
adding hyperlinks, 611
adding text to, 520
aligning and spacing, 523
formatting, 520–522
grouping, 522
inserting, 518–520
overview, 517
printing, 524
reshaping, 523–524
Share tab, Backstage view, 614
Share Workbook dialog box, 631–633
SharePoint server, 614
sharing data with Office applications
copying and pasting, 615–617
copying from Excel to Word
pasting links, 620–622
pasting static information, 617–620
embedding objects in worksheets
non-Word documents, 623
overview, 622
Word documents, 623
embedding workbooks in Word
copying, 624–626
creating new Excel objects, 626
saved workbooks, 626
sharing workbooks
advanced sharing settings
overview, 631–632
resolving conflicting changes between users, 632–633
tracking changes, 632
updating changes, 632
designating workbook as shared, 631
overview, 629
with yourself, 633
Sheet Name button, 187
sheet protection options, 640
Sheet settings, custom templates, 170
Sheet tab
Excel screen, 6–7
Page Setup dialog box, 183
SheetActivate event, 876, 878
SheetBeforeDoubleClick event, 876
SheetBeforeRightClick event, 876
SheetCalculate event, 876
SheetChange event, 876
SheetDeactivate event, 876
SheetFollowHyperlink event, 876
sheets, chart, 406–407
SheetSelectionChange event, 876

security, 797–798. See also protection
Security Warning, macros, 798
Security Warning section, Info options, 153–154
Select Case construct, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
macros, 819
select cells.xlsm sample file, 942
Select Data Source dialog box
defined, 446
locating Access file, 679
Select Locked Cells option, Protect Sheet dialog box, 640
Select Objects control, 844
Select Unlocked Cells option, Protect Sheet dialog box, 640
Select Versions to Show button, Compatibility Checker
dialog box, 158
Selected Table printing option, 178
complete rows and columns, 71
multisheet ranges, 72–74
noncontiguous ranges, 71–72
ranges, 70
by searching, 76–78
special types, 74–76
comments, 97–98
data from charts, 408–409
multiple columns, 67
parts of tables, 105
rows and columns, 890–891
Selection and Visibility task pane, 521
selection change event.xlsm sample file, 942
Selection option, Excel Options dialog box, 118
Selection printing option, 178
selection type.xlsm sample file, 942
SelectionChange event, 880, 882–883
SelectSpecial method, 892
semantic error, 650
Send Using E-Mail option, 614
serial numbers
dates, 249–250
times, 252–253
Series formula, charts, 459–460
Series Options tab, Format Data Series dialog box, 425, 475
Series Overlap value setting, 475
series_name argument, Series formula, 459
SERIESSUM function, 928
Set Precision as Displayed check box, Excel Options dialog
box, 48, 551, 659
Settings tab, Data Validation dialog box, 571
rows, 497–498
worksheet formatting, 127–128

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