When File Is Saved setting, Share Workbook dialog box, 632
Whole Number option, Data Validation dialog box, 571
Wide setting, Page Layout view, 180
Width property, 864
wildcard characters, 77–78
Window Close button, 6, 8
Window Maximize/Restore button, 6, 8
Window Minimize button, 6, 8
WindowActivate event, 876
WindowDeactivate event, 876
WindowResize event, 876
closing, 52–53
moving, 51
overview, 49–51
resizing, 51
splitting, 62
switching, 52
Windows Clipboard, 79–80, 616
Windows Control Panel
adjusting date and time, 42
Regional and Language Options, 251
specifying two-digit years, 257
Windows object, 814, 815
Windows Vista, 144
Win/Loss Sparkline
displaying goal achievement, 511
overview, 504
With-End With construct, VBA macros, 818–819
Within drop-down list, 669
Word documents
copying from Excel, 617–622
embedding, 624–626
wordart examples.xlsx sample file, 939
WordArt feature, 530
WordArt Styles command, 521
Words that contain X conditional formatting rule, 482
WordWrap property, 872
work days, date fuctions, 263–264
work days.xlsx sample file, 936
Workbook Connections dialog box, 689
Workbook events, 873
workbook file, 5
Workbook_BeforeClose procedure, 879
Workbook_BeforePrint procedure, 875
Workbook_BeforeSave procedure, 878–879
Workbook_Open procedure, 876–877, 879
adding digital signatures, 646
changing default number of worksheets, 55
closing, 156
Visual Basic (VB) protection, 637
VLOOKUP function
function of, 926
general discussion, 312–313
looking up values, 327
Lookup formulas, 311
Watch Window
formula results, 747
worksheets, 64–65
watermark, 184
weather combination chart.xlsx sample file, 938
Web formats
HTML files, 607
overview, 606
single file web pages, 607–609
Web Options dialog box, 608
Web pages, 607–609
Web queries, 612–613
Web sites
contextures, 948
daily dose of Excel, 948
David McRitchie’s Excel Pages, 948
Jon Peltier’s Excellge, 948
Mr. Excel, 948
Pearson Software Consulting, 948
Pointy Haired Dilbert, 948
spreadsheet page, 947
webpage.xlsx sample file, 940
WEEKDAY function, 258, 267, 577, 921
WEEKNUM function, 258, 921
WEIBULL function, 919
WEIBULL.DIST function, 932
What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) mode, 406
what-if analysis
creating data tables
one-input, 748–750
two-input, 750–753
example of, 745–747
goal seeking and Solver tools, 761
manual, 747
Scenario Manager feature
defining scenarios, 754–756
displaying scenarios, 757
generating scenario reports, 758–759
merging scenarios, 758
modifying scenarios, 758
overview, 753–754
types of, 747
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