Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Chapter 3: Essential Worksheet Operations


Double-click a cell in the Watch Window to immediately select that cell. n

Working with Rows and Columns ......................................................................................

This section discusses worksheet operations that involve complete rows and columns (rather than
individual cells). Every worksheet has exactly 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns, and these val-
ues can’t be changed.

If you open a workbook that was created in a version of Excel prior to Excel 2007, the workbook is opened in
Compatibility Mode. These workbooks have 65,536 rows and 256 columns. To increase the number of rows
and columns, save the workbook as an Excel 2010 .xlsx file and then reopen it. n

Inserting rows and columns ......................................................................................

Although the number of rows and columns in a worksheet is fixed, you can still insert and delete
rows and columns if you need to make room for additional information. These operations don’t
change the number of rows or columns. Rather, inserting a new row moves down the other rows to
accommodate the new row. The last row is simply removed from the worksheet if it’s empty.
Inserting a new column shifts the columns to the right, and the last column is removed if it’s empty.

If the last row isn’t empty, you can’t insert a new row. Similarly, if the last column contains information, Excel
doesn’t let you insert a new column. Attempting to add a row or column displays the dialog box shown in
Figure 3.11. n

To insert a new row or rows, you can use any of these techniques:

l Select an entire row or multiple rows by clicking the row numbers in the worksheet bor-
der. Right-click and choose Insert from the shortcut menu.
l Move the cell pointer to the row that you want to insert and then choose Home ➪
Cells ➪ Insert ➪ Insert Sheet Rows. If you select multiple cells in the column, Excel
inserts additional rows that correspond to the number of cells selected in the column and
moves the rows below the insertion down.

The procedures for inserting a new column or columns is similar, but you choose Home ➪
Cells ➪ Insert ➪ Insert Sheet Columns.

You also can insert cells, rather than just rows or columns. Select the range into which you want to
add new cells and then choose Home ➪ Cells ➪ Insert ➪ Insert Cells (or right-click the selection
and choose Insert). To insert cells, the existing cells must be shifted to the right or shifted down.
Therefore, Excel displays the Insert dialog box shown in Figure 3.12 so that you can specify the
direction in which you want to shift the cells.
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