Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Chapter 4: Working with Cells and Ranges



The paste icons on the shortcut menu provide more control over how the pasted information appears.

Copying by using shortcut keys ................................................................................

The copy and paste operations also have shortcut keys associated with them:

l Ctrl+C copies the selected cells to both the Windows and Office Clipboards.

l (^) Ctrl+X cuts the selected cells to both the Windows and Office Clipboards.
l Ctrl+V pastes the Windows Clipboard contents to the selected cell or range.
Most other Windows applications also use these shortcut keys. n

Copying or moving by using drag-and-drop .............................................................

Excel also enables you to copy or move a cell or range by dragging. Be aware, however, that
dragging and dropping does not place any information on either the Windows Clipboard or the
Office Clipboard.

The drag-and-drop method of moving does offer one advantage over the cut-and-paste method — Excel warns
you if a drag-and-drop move operation will overwrite existing cell contents. However, you do not get a warn-
ing if a drag-and-drop copy operation will overwrite existing cell contents. n

To copy using drag-and-drop, select the cell or range that you want to copy and then press Ctrl and
move the mouse to one of the selection’s borders (the mouse pointer is augmented with a small plus
sign). Then, simply drag the selection to its new location while you continue to press the Ctrl key.
The original selection remains behind, and Excel makes a new copy when you release the mouse but-
ton. To move a range using drag-and-drop, don’t press Ctrl while dragging the border.
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