Part I: Getting Started with Excel
l (^) Open as Copy: Opens a copy of the selected file. If the file is named budget.xlsx, the
workbook that opens is named Copy(1)budget.xlsx.
l (^) Open in Browser: Opens the file in your default Web browser. If the file can’t be opened
in a browser, this option is disabled.
l (^) Open in Protected View: Opens the file in a special mode that does not allow editing. In
this view, most of the Excel Ribbon commands are disabled. Read more about this new
feature in the sidebar, “About Protected View.”
l Open and Repair: Attempts to open a file that may be damaged and recover information
contained in it.
You can hold down the Ctrl key and select multiple workbooks. When you click Open, all the selected work-
book files open. n
Right-clicking a filename in the Open dialog box displays a shortcut menu with many extra
Windows commands. For example, you can copy, delete, or rename the file, modify its properties,
and so on.
Using the Favorite Links..........................................................................................
Your Favorite Links list appears at the top of the left panel of the Open dialog box. It contains a list
of shortcuts to folders on your system. Initially, it’s just a partial list of folders, but you can click
More to expand the list.
To add a new folder to the Favorite Links section, click the folder in the Open dialog box and drag
it into the Favorite Links area. Customizing the Favorite Links section by adding shortcuts to fold-
ers that you use frequently can save you lots of clicking.
Filtering filenames ...................................................................................................
At the bottom of the Open dialog box is a button with a drop-down list. When the Open dialog
box is displayed, this button shows All Excel Files (and a long list of file extensions). The Open
dialog box displays only those files that match the extensions. In other words, you see only stan-
dard Excel files.
If you want to open a file of a different type, click the arrow in the drop-down list and select the
file type that you want to open. This changes the filtering and displays only files of the type that
you specify.
You can also type a filter directly in the File Name box. For example, typing the following will dis-
play only files that have an .xlsx extension (press Enter after typing the filter): *.xlsx.