Chapter 7: Understanding Excel Files
This discussion of document properties just barely scratches the surface. For example, you can display addi-
tional properties and even specify a custom document information panel template that contains information
specific to your needs. A complete discussion is beyond the scope of this book. n
Other Workbook Info Options .........................................................................................
The Info pane of Backstage View displays more file-related options, as shown in Figure 7.6. To dis-
play this pane, choose File ➪ Info. These options, described in the following sections, may be use-
ful if you plan to distribute your workbook to others. Note that not all workbooks display all the
options shown in Figure 7.6. Only the relevant options are shown.
Security Warning section ........................................................................................
If the active workbook displayed a security warning when you opened it, the Info pane will display
a Security Warning section, with an Enable Content button. Use this panel to find out more about
why Excel triggered the security warning, and to enable the content if you’re sure that it’s safe to
do so.
If you have a project that uses multiple workbooks, you probably get tired of opening the same files
every time you work on the project. The solution? Create a workspace file:
- Open all the workbooks used for your project.
- Arrange the workbook windows the way you like them.
- Choose View ➪ Window ➪ Save Workspace to display the Save Workspace dialog box.
- Excel proposes the name resume.xlw, but you can specify any name you like. Just make
sure that you use the XLW extension. - Click Save. The workspace file is created.
After creating a workspace file, you can open it by choosing File ➪ Open. In the Open dialog box,
specify Workspaces (*.xlw) from the Files of Type drop-down list. Better yet, pin it to the top of the
recent files list so it will always be easily accessible.
A workspace file contains only the filenames and window position information — not the workbooks.
Make sure that you save the workbooks that comprise the workspace. n
Using Workspace Files