Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Chapter 7: Understanding Excel Files


l (^) Mark as Final
Use this option to designate the workbook as “final.” The document is saved as a read-
only file to prevent changes. This isn’t a security feature. Rather, the Mark as Final com-
mand is useful to let others know that you are sharing a completed version of a workbook.
l (^) Encrypt with Password
Use this command to specify a password that is required to open the workbook. See
“Specifying a password,” earlier in this chapter.
l Protect Current Sheet
This command lets you protect various elements of a worksheet. It displays the same dia-
log box as the Review ➪ Changes ➪ Protect Sheet command. See Chapter 31 for more
information about protecting worksheets.
l Protect Workbook Structure
This command lets you protect the structure of a workbook. It displays the same dialog
box as Review ➪ Changes ➪ Protect Workbook. See Chapter 31 for more information for
more information about protecting the structure of a workbook.
l Restrict Permission by People
Use this option to specify those who may open the document. This feature requires a fee-
based service called Information Rights Management.
l (^) Add a Digital Signature
This command allows you to “sign” a workbook digitally. See Chapter 31 for more infor-
mation about digital signatures.

Prepare for Sharing section ......................................................................................

The Prepare for Sharing section of the Info pane contains a Check for Issues button. When clicked,
the button displays three options:

l Inspect Document
This command displays the Document Inspector dialog box. This feature can alert you to
some potentially private information that may be contained in your workbook — perhaps
information that’s contained in hidden rows or columns or hidden worksheets. If you plan
on making a workbook available to a large audience, it’s an excellent idea to use the
Document Inspector for a final check.
l Check Accessibility
This command checks the workbook for potential problems that might occur for people
with disabilities. The results of the check are displayed in a task pane in the workbook.
This feature works only with Excel 2007/2010 workbooks.
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