Chapter 8: Using and Creating Templates
When you open a XLST (or *.XLT) template file, you are opening the actual file — you are not cre-
ating a workbook from the template file.
To create a workbook from a modified template, you must select the template from the My Templates icon in
the Available Template screen. Clicking My Templates displays the New dialog box shown in Figure 8.4. Just
select the template and click OK. n
The New dialog box displays downloaded and custom templates stored on your hard drive.
Understanding Custom Excel Templates ...........................................................................
So far, this chapter has focused on templates that were created by others. The remainder of the
chapter deals with custom templates — templates that you create.
Why create custom templates? The main reason is to make your job easier. For example, you may
always like to use a particular header or footer on your printouts. Consequently, the first time that
you print a worksheet, you need to spend time entering the header and footer information.
Although it isn’t a lot of work, wouldn’t it be easier if Excel simply remembered your favorite page
settings and used them automatically?
The solution is to modify the template that Excel uses to create new workbooks. In this case, the
modification consists of inserting your header into the template. Save the template file using a spe-
cial name, and then every new workbook that you create (including the workbook created when
Excel starts) has your customized page settings.