Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Chapter 9: Printing Your Work


The print area does not have to be a single range. You make a multiple selection before you set the print area.
Each area will print on a separate page. n

If your printed output uses multiple pages, you can select which pages to print by indicating the
number of the first and last pages to print by using Pages controls in the Settings section. You can
either use the spinner controls or type the page numbers in the edit boxes.

Changing page orientation ......................................................................................

Page orientation refers to how output is printed on the page. Choose Page Layout ➪ Page Setup ➪
Orientation ➪ Portrait to print tall pages (the default) or Page Layout ➪ Page Setup ➪ Orientation ➪
Landscape to print wide pages. Landscape orientation is useful when you have a wide range that
doesn’t fit on a vertically oriented page.

If you change the orientation, the onscreen page breaks adjust automatically to accommodate the
new paper orientation.

Page orientation settings are also available when you choose File ➪ Print.

Specifying paper size ...............................................................................................

Choose Page Layout ➪ Page Setup ➪ Size to specify the paper size you’re using. The paper size
settings are also available when you choose File ➪ Print.

If you’re new to Excel, the information in Table 9.1 might be a bit overwhelming. Why does Excel pro-
vide three ways to adjust printing options? After all, before Excel 2007, Excel provided the Page Setup
dialog box, plus a Print dialog box. Everything you needed was in these two dialog boxes. It was fairly

With the introduction of the Ribbon in Excel 2007, though, things got a bit more complicated. Some of
the more common print settings were in the Page Layout ➪ Page Setup Ribbon group, where they are
easily seen. These are also the settings that determine how the Page Layout View is displayed. The Page
Setup and Print dialog boxes were still used.

New Feature
In Excel 2010, the Print tab in Backstage View replaces the Print dialog box. The Page Layout ➪ Page
Setup Ribbon group remains unchanged. And users still need to use the Page Setup dialog box to make
some changes. n

Table 9.1 might make printing seem more complicated than it really is. The key point to remember is
this: If you can’t find a way to make a particular adjustment, it’s probably available from the Page Setup
dialog box.

Is Printing Getting More Complicated?

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