Part II: Working with Formulas and Functions
See Chapter 27 for more information about linking workbooks. n
To create formulas that refer to cells not in the current worksheet, point to the cells rather than entering their
references manually. Excel takes care of the details regarding the workbook and worksheet references. The
workbook you’re referencing in your formula must be open if you’re going to use the pointing method. n
If you point to a different worksheet or workbook when creating a formula, you’ll notice that Excel always
inserts absolute cell references. Therefore, if you plan to copy the formula to other cells, make sure that you
change the cell references to relative before you copy. n
Using Formulas in Tables ..................................................................................................
A table is a specially designated range of cells, set up with column headers. In this section, I
describe how formulas work with tables.
See Chapter 5 for an introduction to the Excel table features. n
Summarizing data in a table ....................................................................................
Figure 10.10 shows a simple table with three columns. I entered the data, and then converted the
range to a table by choosing Insert ➪ Tables ➪ Table. Note that I didn’t define any names, but the
table is named Table1 by default.
FIGURE 10.10
A simple table with three columns of information.