Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Part II: Working with Formulas and Functions


TABLE 15.2

Formulas Used to Calculate an Amortization Schedule

Cell Formula Description
A9 =A8+1 Returns the payment number
B9 =PMT($B$2*($B$3/12),$B$4,-$B$1) Calculates the periodic payment amount
C9 =C8+B9 Calculates the cumulative payment
D9 =IPMT($B$2*($B$3/12),A9,$B$4,-$B$1) Calculates the interest portion of the periodic
E9 =E8+D9 Calculates the cumulative interest paid
F9 =PPMT($B$2*($B$3/12),A9,$B$4,-$B$1) Calculates the principal portion of the
periodic payment
G9 =G8+F9 Calculates the cumulative amount applied
toward principal
H9 =H8-F9 Returns the principal balance at the end of
the period

Summarizing loan options by using a data table ......................................................

The Excel Data Table feature is probably one of the most underutilized tools in Excel. Keep in
mind that a data table is not the same as a table (created with Insert ➪ Tables ➪ Table). A data
table is a handy way to summarize calculations that depend on one or two “changing” cells. In this
example, I use a data table to summarize various loan options. This section describes how to create
one-way and two-way data tables.

See Chapter 36 for more information about setting up data tables. n

On the CD
A workbook that demonstrates one- and two-way data tables is available on the companion CD-ROM. The file
is named loan data tables.xlsx.

Creating a one-way data table ........................................................................

A one-way data table shows the results of any number of calculations for different values of a single
input cell.

Figure 15.6 shows a one-way data table (in B10:I13) that displays three calculations (payment
amount, total payments, and total interest) for a loan, using seven interest rates ranging from 7.00
percent to 8.50 percent. In this example, the input cell is cell B2.
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